Life Advice
Two Decades Have Not Healed Painful Breach In Relationship
DEAR ABBY: Twenty years ago, I developed psychosis with a personality change. I did things I'm ashamed of. I had an affair, remarried and moved out of the country, leaving my 13-year-old daughter with my ex-husband. I snapped out of it 15 years ago with the help of a good psychiatrist and excellent medication. I deeply regret my behavior, and I ...Read more

Asking Eric: Older couple only invited when gift is expected
Dear Eric: My spouse and I are an older couple with some family members who live in the same town as us and some family who live out of state.
The families who live near us only invite us to functions where a gift is needed, such as weddings and birthdays, etc.
We feel very sad about this since we spend many holidays alone. May I add that my ...Read more
Supporting the Strong One
Dear Annie: I've always been the person who people turn to for support -- friends, family, even co-workers come to me when they need advice or a shoulder to lean on. And while I genuinely love helping others, I'm starting to realize I don't have anyone I can turn to when I need the same kind of support.
I'm not sure if it's because I've built...Read more

Asking Eric: Family won’t stop sending widow Valentine’s Day greetings
Dear Eric: Valentine’s Day is approaching and members of my family and friends send me “Happy Valentine’s Day” texts, knowing that I am a widow. They claim that Valentine’s is for everybody, not just couples.
I feel otherwise and this just rubs salt into my wounds. These wishes feel to me very thoughtless and insensitive. How do I ...Read more
When Is It Too Late to Heal a Marriage?
Dear Annie: My husband has always seemed "old for his age." For years, I managed the household while he worked full-time, but when he retired, I expected him to pitch in more with chores. That expectation has become our biggest source of conflict. He struggles to keep up with my energy, and I feel like he holds me back. I've grown bitter. I ...Read more
Millennial Life: Just Work Trip Stuff
I'm sitting in a hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I feel the rumbling of a low-grade cold that soaked through my house this week, sparing me until now through intense efforts of arching away from uncovered coughs, cheek kissing the husband, and washing my hands like I'm going into surgery after I deposit a pile of snotty tissues in the trash.
I'm...Read more

Asking Eric: Caregiver abandoned by siblings
Dear Eric: I am a retired 70-year-old. My mother is 93 and lives alone about 20 miles from me. She has lived in her home for more than 50 years, is relatively healthy and can still take care of herself.
We have discussed assisted-living facilities, but she strongly wishes to remain in her home.
I am her primary caregiver. She does not drive. ...Read more
Love and Loyalty: When Your Partner Won't Take Your Side
Dear Annie: I've been in an eight-year relationship that now seems to be ending, largely due to issues with my partner's daughters. They've become disrespectful and jealous, and one has crossed serious boundaries by stealing from me and sabotaging our relationship.
Over the past year, I've been struggling with a mental health condition, which...Read more

Asking Eric: Older brother fears siblings is headed for relationship trouble
Dear Eric: My brother is 22 years old and has always had a girlfriend, though none of the relationships have ever lasted. His previous girlfriends have been controlling and possessive, to the point that he breaks up with them.
His current girlfriend seems to be the same way, but he is head over heels for her. Not only is she possessive and ...Read more

Asking Eric: Volatile daughter blames parents for everything
Dear Eric: My husband and I have two daughters, both in their 40s. The younger one has a career, is married and pays her own bills. The other has never been functional and ebbs and flows in and out of stability.
She has a volatile and intense personality. She has a husband who is disabled, and they live on the husband’s disability income.
No...Read more
My Mother-in-Law's Criticism Is Hurting My Marriage
Dear Annie: My husband, "Mark," and I have been married for eight years, and we have a good relationship. We've always butt heads a little bit about his mother, but recently we have started really clashing over her. She's always been a little overbearing, but lately, it feels like she's trying to control our lives. She'll drop by unannounced, ...Read more

Asking Eric: Windfall could keep loved one alive, but at what cost?
Dear Eric: The most important family member to me is my brother, the only person who's been there since my birth and never let me down. We're both retired, and he's very, very sick, partly from past addictions. His insurance company kicked him off getting any more of his last chance medication that could give him another one to five years of ...Read more
Seeking Help for Hoarding Brother-in-Law
Dear Annie: I have a brother-in-law that I need help with but don't know where to turn. He's a hoarder. The house he lives in belonged to his parents, but it is now full of junk and he does nothing to keep it clean. He has purchased several items and his garage is overflowing so the new items are left in their boxes outside.
He had a good job...Read more
Single File: Sexual Bill of Rights
Sexual/sensual expression is important to mental and physical well-being. Let's agree on that. And being unmarried, you also know how important it is for your satisfaction to feel a partner's caring. The truth is sexual union has the potential to be spiritual communion when it joins soul mates. But it takes a bit of doing for the unmarried to ...Read more

Redefining your 'type': Expanding your dating parameters can change everything
For years, I’ve worked with clients who come to me saying the same thing: “I just can’t find the right person.” When I dig a little deeper, a common theme appears — they’re clinging to a very specific idea of who their “type” is. (It often starts with a physical attribute, but it goes beyond that, too.)
And here’s the kicker:...Read more

Ask Anna: Making Valentine's Day work when one partner hates the holiday
Dear Anna,
My partner of three years absolutely despises Valentine's Day. He calls it a "commercialized scam" and refuses to participate in any way. I understand his perspective — yes, it's commercialized. All holidays are! And yes, we should show love year-round. But here's the thing: I genuinely enjoy having this day dedicated to ...Read more

Asking Eric: Successful professional fears she’ll never find love
Dear Eric: I am a late-20-something. When I told my mom I wanted to go to law school, one of the first things she said to me was that I would most likely never find a life partner. Of note, I am the only woman in my family in my generation with a college degree. I am also the first attorney in my family.
I am now three years into my career. I ...Read more

Letting Go of an Emotionally Draining Friendship
Dear Annie: Where do I even start? My senior friend has been draining me emotionally for the past 15 years. We were neighbors and acquaintances, but we never went anywhere or did anything together. Our friendship was limited to exchanging small gifts or cards for events like birthdays, and that was fine -- until one fall day when she completely ...Read more

Asking Eric: Woman caught in the middle of friend’s divorce
Dear Eric: I have a 30-year-old friendship from high school. I am a woman, and my friend is a man. He got married to a smart, driven, friendly partner. She meshes well with our core group. They have been married for 13 years and have a 5-year-old.
The wife recently called me to tell me she wants a divorce and has proof of him hanging out with ...Read more
Finding Holiday Harmony in a Blended Family
Dear Annie: I've learned something surprising over the years as a step-parent: Holidays don't have to be confined to specific dates. In our family, Christmas Eve is just as special as Christmas Day, and we've even repeated Thanksgiving on the Friday after, with leftovers and a fresh pie. We've also started alternating years for who gets which ...Read more