From the Right



Josh Hammer

Josh Hammer is senior editor-at-large at Newsweek, a research fellow with the Edmund Burke Foundation, counsel and policy advisor for the Internet Accountability Project, a syndicated columnist through Creators and a contributing editor for Anchoring Truths. A frequent pundit and essayist on political, legal and cultural issues, Josh is a constitutional attorney by training. He hosts "The Josh Hammer Show," a Newsweek podcast, and co-hosts the Edmund Burke Foundation's "NatCon Squad" podcast.

An outspoken conservative, Josh opines on conservative intellectual trends, contemporary domestic and foreign policy debates, constitutional and legal issues, and the intersection of law, politics and culture. He has been published by many leading outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, the New York Sun, the Daily Mail and Newsweek.


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Randy Enos A.F. Branco Adam Zyglis David Fitzsimmons Al Goodwyn Dave Granlund