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Julia Wood/Julia Wood/TNS

Provocative thriller blurs lines between desire and control

Parents / Mom's Advice /

“The world runs on fetishes, things we like and believe in. The corporate world spends billions to promote them. They call it brand marketing. They show, we trigger: Mercedes, Nike, Apple, the Golden Arches, IBM, Amazon, Google, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Starbucks. An endless list. Relentless.”

That’s one way of looking at things. It’s the ...Read more


Lori Borgman: The weather is always a hot topic

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Some people are drawn to social media apps -- I'm drawn to weather apps.

I check weather apps more frequently than I check news apps. Weather apps tend to be less alarming than the news apps. Even in tornado season.

I don't mean to brag, but I know the predicted highs, lows and percentage possibilities for rain for the next five days in three ...Read more

Handout/EG&A Publishing/TNS

Marine’s account of battle in Philippines exposes war’s realities

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I wrote in a 2020 review that "The Remains of the Corps Volume I: Ivy and the Crossing" was one of the most unique and innovative books I had read in a long time. It was the military history of a family of Marines, the Remains, taking place during World War I and told by author Will Remain, family historian and Vietnam veteran.

The author ...Read more

Stillwater Press/TNS

Near-death experiences provide author a new lease on life

Parents / Mom's Advice /

“Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.”

That nugget was the last item in a list of 45 life lessons offered by Regina Brett, legendary newspaper writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

It’s also the last sentence in Donald G. Denihan’s new book "Hard Bargain" (Stillwater Press), best described as part gripping true ...Read more


Because she gave her husband CPR, their daughters had time to say goodbye

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Dori Monson sat on the couch cheering on the Washington Huskies in the Alamo Bowl. His wife, Suzanne, was in the next room working on a jigsaw puzzle, a Christmas gift from one of their three daughters.

A week earlier, Dori and Suzanne had hosted an early holiday family gathering at their home just outside Seattle. In the days since, one ...Read more


What to know about water safety and CPR this summer

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As people flock to pool parties, sandy beaches and other water adventures to cool off this summer, experts say learning CPR and some water safety basics also should be at the top of the to-do list.

"In general, I'm an advocate for everyone getting CPR training," said Dr. Katherine Berg, associate director at the Center for Resuscitation Science...Read more

Tina Rencelj/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Old SUV loaded with miles and memories

Parents / Mom's Advice /

We've been trying to sell our nearly 20-year-old SUV. Like most sellers, there are things we say about a used vehicle and things we don't say.

When an interested buyer asked about mileage, I said, "It has 221,500 miles on it."

What I didn't say was that I helped put a lot of those early miles on it with my dad when he bought the Ford Explorer,...Read more

Pratchaya Leelapatchayanont/Dreamstime/TNS

How stroke is different for women

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Stroke can be devastating for anyone. But the risks and symptoms of a stroke are not always the same in women and men.

American Heart Association News asked experts to explain a few of the most significant differences – and what women can do to protect themselves.

Women have more risk from high blood pressure

Women and men share many ...Read more

Vira Degtiarova/Dreamstime/TNS

Why dads should practice skin-to-skin contact with their babies

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As a new dad, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to bond with your newborn baby. One simple way to establish a strong connection is through skin-to-skin contact, also known as “kangaroo care.” This practice involves holding your baby against your bare chest and has been shown to provide numerous benefits for both the infant and ...Read more


He went from a stroke to a heart transplant to an Ironman finish line

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Two months before his wedding, Vang Her had a cough he couldn't shake.

For weeks he'd hacked incessantly. How could he walk down the aisle or enjoy his honeymoon in New Zealand that way?

But his doctor couldn't find anything wrong.

With rest, Vang improved. His wedding went off without a hitch. In New Zealand while cave exploring, Vang couldn...Read more

Oceanview Publishing/TNS

Bonds of sisterhood tested in thrilling amateur sleuth mystery

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The shocking murder of her boss — and the sudden disappearance of her sister — sends Portland paralegal Beth Ralston on a dangerous, dizzying quest to find answers that she may not be able to manage in Mary Keliikoa’s smart thriller, "Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow."

At a holiday office party for her father’s prestigious law firm, Ralston,...Read more

Yulia Gapeenko/Dreamstime/TNS

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Sleeping with books

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Some people sleep with pillows and blankets, and, if they’re lucky, a cuddle bunny of a sort.

I sleep with books.

Not a book, singular, but multiple books of multiple genres, heaped in a long pile between me and the other side of the bed.

I find this to be easier than trying to keep books strategically stacked on a bedside table, which is ...Read more

Ana Mihaela Andrei Negru/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Rising to the sourdough challenge

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I made my first loaf of sourdough last week. It took less time to give birth to our first child than it took to make one loaf of bread.

Why did I make sourdough? Because I'm weak. I succumbed to peer pressure. We have granddaughters making sourdough. They nudged and prodded and threw flour in the air until I agreed to give it a try.

The first ...Read more


Son's heart diagnosis may have saved dad's life

Parents / Mom's Advice /

After Cecilia Galeana gave birth to her second child, Elias Soto, a pediatrician performed standard newborn tests. Listening to his heart, the doctor heard a whooshing and swishing sound. Elias had a heart murmur.

It could be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, the doctor said. It's a condition in which abnormally thick heart muscle makes it ...Read more

Post Hill Press/Post Hill Press/TNS

New tech falls in the wrong hands in heart-stopping medical thriller

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Drexel Hospital prepares to launch its vaunted new Electronic Health Records (EHR) system when a series of inexplicable deaths at the hospital raises questions for a cadre of Drexel employees committed to patient privacy and safety in "Coded to Kill" by Marschall Runge, M.D.

A decade in the making, the Drexel EHR is the most innovative ...Read more


One diet might significantly increase a woman’s lifespan, study finds

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The Mediterranean diet is an a roll this year. U.S. News and World Report ranked it the best diet for the seventh consecutive year. Now, according to a massive study, the eating regimen may also have added benefits for women.

“For women interested in longevity, our study shows that following a Mediterranean dietary pattern could result in ...Read more


Is a safe male birth control gel on the way? Study shows progress

Parents / Mom's Advice /

If trials continue to go well, a teaspoon of gel rubbed on the shoulders once a day might be all men need for contraception.

National Institutes of Health Contraceptive Development Program chief Diana Blithe has been leading the research on Nestorone, a synthetic hormone-based male birth control, since 2018. Speaking recently at ENDO 2024, the ...Read more

The Core Media Group Inc./The Core Media Group Inc./TNS

Survivor, Marine: One man’s incredible journey to inner peace

Parents / Mom's Advice /

There’s a unique beginning to "The Guide: Survival, Warfighting, Peacemaking" — Greg Munck‘s moving and uplifting memoir of his fascinating journey that took him from a nightmarish childhood to becoming a war hero as a U.S. Marine and finally finding peace in his life’s work as a man of God.

The book opens with a dramatic forward from ...Read more

Clash Books/TNS/TNS

Heroine’s satirical self-improvement quest from body-building to poetry

Parents / Mom's Advice /

What do gluten-free communion wafers and arugula-eating snails have in common?

Well, if you’re a bodybuilder, it turns out these are two powerhouse secrets to a ripped physique — along with other, shall we say, less conventional methods. Debut novelist Ruth Bonapace takes us through an epic workout of the imagination in "The Bulgarian ...Read more


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