

Home & Leisure


The ripe stuff: Why seasonal eating can be a healthy delight

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A supermarket can be a tough place to be in sync with the seasons. We're not talking about how Halloween decorations arrive in August, either: It's because in the produce section, many fruits and vegetables are available year-round, and those that aren't can probably be found in the frozen foods aisle.

Such abundance is hardly a problem. But ...Read more


Lori Borgman: Rollin' in funny money

Parents / Mom's Advice /

In these days when grocery budgets are stretched thin, we somehow find ourselves flush with cash. It's embarrassing.

A friend stopped by and had to clear a pile of 100s on the sofa before she could sit down.

We are rolling in the dough. Literally. This morning, I found a $500 bill in the dryer. I didn't even know they made 500s.

Bills of ...Read more


Tender memoir chronicles the addiction struggles of a loved one

Parents / Mom's Advice /

There’s a beautiful quote from Norman Maclean in his book, "A River Runs Through It," that says:

“We can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don’t know what part of ourselves to give or the part we have to give is not wanted. And so, it is those that we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them — we can ...Read more


18-month-old's mystery fever and swollen lips were symptoms of Kawasaki disease

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As a toddler, Konner Hall showed a knack for hitting milestones early.

At 9 months old, he started walking. By 14 months, he was potty trained.

He also had a tendency to get ear infections. So when he was 18 months old and woke up one morning with a low-grade fever, his parents – Stephanie and Justin Hall of Cottonwood, Alabama – figured ...Read more

Ian Andreiev/Dreamstime/TNS

All in the family: 3 generations take on the same defective heart valve

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Around the time a cardiologist diagnosed Keri Mathew with a heart problem at age 4, her dad once again failed the physical required to increase his life insurance policy.

So Gary Peterson went to see that cardiologist, too.

Mathew, who grew up in southwest Iowa, had been born with a heart murmur that might eventually correct itself. When it ...Read more


Lori Borgman: The garden smells like spaghetti

Parents / Mom's Advice /

My small charge brought her rain boots with her today, per my request. A heavy rain fell last night. Humidity is sliding down the windowpanes and the morning grass is so wet it squishes.

I pull on my rain boots, the ones with unicorns that she and her sisters gave me for my birthday last year. She pulls on her Pepto-Bismol pink boots and we ...Read more


Straighten up: Wall angels could be your posture game changer

Parents / Mom's Advice /

In our tech-driven world of desk jobs and smartphone scrolling, maintaining good posture can feel like an uphill battle. Enter the wall angel — a simple exercise that could be the missing link in your quest for better alignment and health.

Reminiscent of making snow angels as a child, wall angels involve standing against a wall and moving ...Read more


In 1960s America, the disillusioned search for truth

Parents / Mom's Advice /

America’s 1960s were revolutionary years marked by anti-war protests, flag-burning, civil disobedience and assassinations. Many young people lost their dreams and ideals in the maelstrom, some emerged enlightened, but all were affected by the turbulence.

Authors who chose to write about the era have a head start if they lived through it. ...Read more


Rainbow Rowell releases first adult novel in 10 years

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Millions of readers have come of age with Rainbow Rowell’s books. Titles like "Fangirl," "Carry On," and "Eleanor & Park" made a lasting impact on young adult readers for the past decade.

Now, Rowell returns to the adult fiction world for the first time since "Landline" in 2014. With "Slow Dance" (Morrow), Rowell shares a love story for her ...Read more

Pratchaya Leelapatchayanont/Dreamstime/TNS

Survey shows most Americans are open to health care in the home

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A majority Americans said they believe they would recover faster if treated within their own home. It’s a rising pandemic-era trend for hospital level care.

Researchers from the University of Southern California Schaeffer Center studied the willingness of Americans to provide care in the home. It’s a study that comes at a pivotal time for ...Read more


Lori Borgman: Not so fast, Frosty

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Christmas is only five months away. I was hoping to be the first to alert you, but Hobby Lobby beat me by a month.

We had not yet marked Flag Day or the first day of summer when the Christmas creep commenced.

While we were breaking out the shorts, merchants were breaking out artificial trees dusted with artificial snow.

While we were ...Read more

Petr Kirillov/Dreamstime/TNS

Ready to aim for a personal best? Try these Olympic sports yourself

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Every two years, the world's best athletes gather for the Olympic Games and – with feats of strength, speed and skill – inspire millions of people to sit on a couch and watch.

Happily, many of those viewers then decide it's time to challenge themselves by heading out to their local gym, pool or recreation center to try a new sport.

Some ...Read more

Pump Fake Press/Pump Fake Press/TNS

Touching stories of friendship and good times at town’s oldest bar

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Many of us have a favorite neighborhood bar we frequent often and where “everybody knows your name.” But do they all get to celebrate 80 years? "The Hot Dog Diaries" by Al Bonner and Jim Antonini is dedicated specifically to “everyone who has stepped through the front door of Gene’s Beer Garden” in Morgantown, West Virginia, over the ...Read more

Ian Andreiev/Dreamstime/TNS

Risks for anxiety and suicide attempt may increase after hospital stay for heart disease, stroke

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Being hospitalized for cardiovascular disease – including several types of heart disease and stroke – may significantly raise the risk for anxiety, depression and suicide attempts, especially in the year that follows, new research suggests.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found people who were ...Read more

Alina Yudina/Dreamstime/TNS

Sweating isn’t always a heat problem; sometimes it’s what you eat

Parents / Mom's Advice /

There are various reasons why we sweat, from the weather to hormonal changes. It’s a natural bodily function that helps regulate our temperature.

But sometimes perspiration can be caused by what we eat and drink.

“Sweating after eating or drinking may look different for everyone, but it often occurs around the face, neck or forehead,” ...Read more

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images North America/TNS

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Painful memories amid Trump shooting

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Widely distributed images of the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life couldn’t help but evoke memories of a similar event for those of us who were alive on Nov. 22, 1963.

On both occasions, we watched as an ordinary political event erupted into chaos.

We saw the duck and cover, the whisking away, the blood.

Both moments constituted ...Read more

Yabluko Draws/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Scaring Grandma not that easy

Parents / Mom's Advice /

"Let's scare Grandma" is a major source of entertainment for the grandkids. If someone jumps out from behind the sofa or from inside the hall closet, I typically scream and jump like an NBA player going for 3.

But lately, I've lost my bounce. I just don't scare like I used to.

There was a time when kids spent the night and one of them ...Read more


School’s out, and the kids are bored. That’s not necessarily a bad thing

Parents / Mom's Advice /

It's summertime and the kids are home from school when one day they walk into the kitchen and say, "I'm bored!"

For parents, the first inclination might be to find something for the children to do. Go play outside. Clean your room. Work on an art project.

But, experts say, don't underestimate the value of just letting kids figure out how to ...Read more

Simon & Schuster/Simon & Schuster/TNS

Every house has a story

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Every house has a story. And, if you had asked my friends and family members the day my husband and I went to look at a historic house on the coast of North Carolina’s third oldest town, they would have said ours had a cautionary tale.

They weren’t totally wrong.

The first time we walked inside, my husband actually, literally fell through...Read more

Michael Tran/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Embracing your fabulous 40s with health, wisdom and new beginnings

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Gone are the days of viewing your 40s as a decline. Today, women are redefining this decade as a time of growth and opportunity. Take Ava DuVernay, who directed her first feature film, “Selma,” at 42, or Hilary Swank, who welcomed twins at 48. Toni Morrison, who would later win both Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes, penned her debut novel, “The ...Read more


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