


Is it true that God uses people more when they’ve been through the fire of difficulties and despair?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is it true that God uses people more when they’ve been through the fire of difficulties and despair? – T.F.

A: Consider the transformation in Simon Peter. He denied Christ. He was cowed by the crowd, shamed by a little maid, and took his place with the enemies of Christ. This was Peter who proclaimed that he would never deny Jesus (see Matthew 26:35).

After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Peter the weak was transformed into Peter the rock. Saul the slaughterer was transformed into Paul the missionary. All of the disciples were changed from ordinary individuals into virtual firebrands for God. Their faith and their zeal started a conflagration that spread throughout Asia Minor, Europe, and the entire world. The world today still feels the powerful impact and influence of this little band of dedicated men who encountered Jesus the risen Christ. “This Jesus God has raised up, of which are all witnesses” (Acts 2:32, NKJV).

A bar of raw steel may be purchased for a few dollars. But when that bar of steel has been thrust into the fires and processed, when it has been tempered and forged and made into tiny watch springs for expensive watches, it is worth thousands of dollars. Fire and the skilled hands of the master artisans made the difference, enhancing the value.


Just as the sun by its heat and light performs a thousand miracles a day in the plant kingdom, God through the refining fire of His Spirit performs a thousand miracles a day in the spiritual realm. His regenerating power is ever at work in the world, taking the ashes of burned-out lives and changing them to dynamic channels, dedicated to winning the salvation of others.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2025 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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