


What’s the key to redirecting the mind?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Entertainment about dying and going to Heaven and coming back and telling breathtaking stories are popular. It’s a distraction from reality. The other horror that has been popularized is that Hell will be an eternal happy hour – fantasies that my kids are believing because of cultural entertainment, despite their involvement in church and Bible studies. What’s the key to redirecting the mind? – F.H.

A: We must saturate our minds with the things of the Lord. The idea that there will be a great fellowship of sinners in Hell has no Biblical basis whatsoever. Hell, in Scripture, is described as solitary confinement, where a sinner’s companion will not be his imagination, but his memory (see Luke 16:25).

An emerging trend in entertainment is the underworld exalting the dark side of the afterlife. Popularizing Hell in today’s culture has turned it into a fashionable destination. This is the depravity of the human soul, terrorizing self with evil and growing accustomed to hellish entertainment branded by the world’s system and lifestyle as fun.

Some may say these are samples of the fringe of society, but sadly, this culture has become mainstream. Journalists have covered this phenomenon around the world. In an effort to diminish fear of eternal damnation, mankind has concocted an antidote: become so familiar with Hell that it no longer provokes anxiety – or joke about Hell in hopes the laughter will snuff out the searing fire that brings oppression. Recording artist Billy Joel sings that sinners “are much more fun” than saints. But the Bible disagrees. The truth is that in Heaven God will wipe away all tears, but Hell will be a place of weeping – a very bad place to be.


The Christian’s responsibility is to seek the kind of life that reflects God’s truth. Those who belong to Jesus are called to live a life of purity and holiness. God wants our minds to be shaped by Him so that our thoughts and goals reflect His truth.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2025 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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