Life Advice





Anxiety After Loss

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband passed away in April after suffering for many years from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I was his caregiver for over a year, along with hospice. It was very hard on me. Since he passed, I have been lost, depressed and have a lot of anxiety.

I don't have much of a support system because my family members have all ...Read more

Silence From Relatives Deepens Loss Of Mother

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, my mother developed a small nagging cough, and her overall health started to decline. She entered the hospital on a Monday and by the end of the week, she had passed away from a very aggressive form of lung cancer. We were very close, and I was devastated.

I prepared the obituary and also posted an announcement on ...Read more

Millennial Life: Reproductive Health Care Is a Human Right

In 2024, reproductive health care is at a critical juncture for women, and as a millennial, I've witnessed our rights erode over the years. For my generation, reproductive health care is not merely about access to birth control or abortion services. It's about bodily autonomy, equality, and the ability to shape our futures. We've seen strides ...Read more

Asking Eric: Foster parent wants to be done with drama

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Twelve years ago, I was a foster parent for a 12-year-old. “Angel” was reunified with her father after a year and when that blew up, she came back to live with me.

At one point I petitioned the court and was granted legal custody. She has left and come back multiple times over the years.

Angel just had a baby and is struggling ...Read more

Tell Kids the Truth

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am disabled and use a mobility device and oxygen due to emphysema, which was caused by my 30 years of cigarette smoking. I quit before my diagnosis, but it was too late.

One of the biggest issues concerns questions or comments from others. When I hear ignorant remarks from adults, I consider the source and move on. But I'd like to...Read more

Husbands Feel Out Of Place Dancing With Their Wives

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I'm married, and in my mid-40s. My wife and I have a robust social life, for which we both feel very lucky and blessed. We have amazing friends who are a wonderful support system and with whom we go out regularly.

Lately, our wives have been wanting to go to dance clubs, where the majority of people are half our age. I'm the youngest...Read more

Asking Eric: Friend’s treatment of ailing cat is hard to take

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Ordinarily, my friend is loving and affectionate to her middle-aged cat. She takes good care of him, with food, water, and attention. Today, she told me her cat has a condition that requires medical care, but she feels the vet just wants her money.

Instead, she is choosing a less costly homeopathic route, along with supplements and a...Read more

Sibling Faces Dilemma Over Business Loan

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My 23-year-old brother has asked me for a substantial loan to start a new business. While I want to help, I'm feeling uneasy about lending such a large sum. At 47, I'm more cautious about my financial decisions, and this request feels quite big. I've seen how starting a new venture can be unpredictable, and I'm worried that a ...Read more

Rude People Keep Asking About My Walker

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am disabled, and I use a walker to get around. While I am somewhat used to small children asking questions about my walker, I am surprised, and even shocked, when adults do.

I was at an event recently when a woman I did not know asked, “So, you don’t really NEED that thing, do you? You just like having it, right?”

I ...Read more

Gifted Furniture Sparks Family Wedding Fallout

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: This is a long story, but I will try to keep it short. I gave my mother a couch and chair as she was in desperate need of furniture. The furniture was my downstairs furniture, and I felt it was more important to give it to my mom. Eventually, she bought herself furniture to her taste, but I only found out when I went to visit her. ...Read more

Drunk, Handsy Brother-In-Law Creates A Mess Within Family

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My sister's fiance, "Logan," always seemed very flirtatious with me. I told her she needed to control her future husband. After they were married, the same gestures and innuendos kept happening, and I reminded my sister about it. Logan did and said inappropriate things right in front of her. Once she even commented, "Geez, you married...Read more

Asking Eric: Sister’s ex doesn’t know she’s back in town

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My sister was engaged to a guy, “Peter.” I’ve known Peter for a long time. Not long before the wedding, she broke the engagement because she met someone else, “Rick.”

She married Rick and they moved away. Peter and I have never really spoken about my sister or what happened, but I know he was deeply hurt. I’ve not heard ...Read more

Work-From-Home Employee Needs To Set Boundaries

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I've recently transitioned to working from home full-time, and I'm finding it challenging to separate my work life from my personal life. While my home office setup is functional, it has made it harder for to me switch off from work mode at the end of the day. I find myself checking emails or thinking about tasks long after my ...Read more

Great Friends Don't Always Make Great Hosts

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have some friends who live eight hours away, and they have been after us for the past few years to visit. A few weeks ago, we made the drive to see them and stayed two nights.

Both mornings, they slept very late, rising after 10 a.m. We got up and made coffee, and that was the extent of the breakfast. We took them out to a...Read more

Daughter Believes Ex-Husband's Lies

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My soon-to-be ex started spreading lies about me in the spring of 2021, telling people I've had three nervous breakdowns and now I'm insane. After a counselor told him his claims were unfounded, he stopped, but not after he convinced our daughter I was mentally ill. The rest of our children, and 11 out of 12 grandchildren, disagree...Read more

Man Prefers To Rely On Ex Instead Of Current Girlfriend

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I've been seeing "Pete" for eight months. He has been divorced for the last 15 years. He has two grown children and five grandchildren with his ex-wife, "Linda," who is still a significant person in Pete's life. They text throughout the day and enjoy doing things with Linda's husband.

Pete is having major surgery soon. He has ...Read more

Asking Eric: Father-in-law’s partner makes visits unbearable

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My father-in-law is in a relationship with a person that makes staying at his home during a visit an awful experience for me, my husband and our kids. My husband is not one to confront and is simply too kind and shy to stand up to this woman who has taken over hosting.

He also does not have open communication with his father to let ...Read more

Journal Writer Struggles To Maintain Daily Habit

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm trying to start a daily journaling habit for personal growth, but I'm struggling to find the time and stay consistent. I really want to make journaling a regular part of my life, but it's been challenging to fit it into my daily routine. I end up too busy or too tired by the end of the day to write, and as a result, I haven't...Read more

No Need To Inquire About 'house Rules' At The Door

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: In my grandparents' home, no food was allowed to go to waste. After a meal, if there was any food left on someone's plate, it would either be claimed by someone else or added to the soup pot that was always on the stove. If someone had gravy left on their plate and no bread to sop it up, they were allowed to lick the plate.

...Read more

Brother-in-Law Straining Our Finances

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: Five weeks ago, my brother-in-law (23 years old) moved out of the psychiatric facility he was staying in after causing a scene and breaking property. My husband received a call from him saying he needed to be picked up, which my husband did, and we now have had to pay for my brother-in-law to stay in a local hotel until we can find...Read more