Life Advice





Healing Tension in Blended Families

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband has five kids from a previous marriage. One was -- well, I'll say never overly friendly. The other four I thought we were good. But things blew up over something dumb. Now three of his girls do not talk to me. Which for me is fine. They think that I am too controlling with their father.

But they are also taking out ...Read more

Asking Eric: Widowed sister wants answers about affair

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My older sister is a recent widow. Her husband was unfaithful to her several times, but she chose to stay together.

One of his indiscretions was allegedly with a childhood friend of mine, with whom I’ve had sporadic contact over the years. The friend recently contacted me, out of the blue, to have dinner together.

Neither my ...Read more

Does Affection Breed Affection?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: Over the years, I have read numerous letters to advice columnists from women complaining their man doesn't show the amount of affection they want. Most advice has usually been for them to tell him what they want.

But my question is, what's the problem with showing him? I can't remember reading letters from women who say their man ...Read more

Asking Eric: Former friend with benefits wants to rekindle

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I have a long-time friend (with benefits) from the past who is still in my life, though platonic. He lives a very comfortable life without the monetary struggles I deal with day to day.

He would like for me to move in with him and he offers a better financial situation than what I am dealing with.

However, it comes with the price of...Read more

Abandonment and Abuse

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I want to thank you for sharing reader responses to "Emotional Blackmail," the woman who reconnected with her son after many years apart and is emotionally and financially drained. You've set a great example of how to correct a mistake with grace -- well done.

Now I would like to offer my own thoughts about the woman's situation, ...Read more

Millennial Life: Asking Too Much From Our Imperfect Systems

I've been breaking my noggin over some proposed ordinances the last few weeks, asking nearly everyone who happens across my path what they think of these proposed laws that I'll have to vote on as city councilor. And I mean everyone from hospital staff to store owners, from nonprofit administrators to my therapist, who really gets to hear more ...Read more

Asking Eric: Wife spills friend’s secret to BFFs

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Please help me settle a disagreement with my wife. One day, a friend of ours, “Ed,” shared something very sensitive and embarrassing with us and asked for advice. He also asked us not to tell anyone, and, of course, we both swore to secrecy.

One week later, one of my wife’s oldest and closest friends (a “BFF”) came to visit...Read more

Repeated Rejections From Son

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a 56-year-old woman with two sons. I raised them mostly as a single parent. My oldest son is in the military, and my youngest is attending university to earn his bachelor's degree in fine arts.

My oldest and I are currently not on speaking terms. When his grandmother passed away, he was stationed in Korea and couldn't attend ...Read more

Asking Eric: Ex-wife’s will puts ex-husband in a bind

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: In 2012, my father died leaving valuable land as part of his estate. After selling the property, I paid off my two daughters' homes, saving them more than $500,000 in future payments.

My ex-wife and mother of my daughters passed away a couple of years ago. She had a son by another husband. Her will and trust were drafted to leave her...Read more

Dating My Ex-Husband

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about two years. He's actually my ex-husband from 25 years ago, and we reunited about 16 months ago. We do not live together, but he's made it clear that he wants to move in that direction and even hints that we should remarry. However, last March, we had a serious falling out and ...Read more

Asking Eric: Brother banishes atheist sibling from home

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My brother and his family are born-again Christian. I stayed with him in his hometown for about a week while I was having surgery to remove my prostate.

After the stay, my brother told me that I was no longer invited to his home because my atheism made them uncomfortable, but we could always meet at a café.

I don’t wear my ...Read more

Do I Deserve a Referral Fee?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am in my late 60s, and my boyfriend, "Mark," is in his early 70s. We have been living together in my house for a year and a half. We're both divorced and have adult children from our previous marriages. Mark communicates daily with all five children via phone calls and text messages. My problem is that he's also regularly in ...Read more

Asking Eric: Children blame ailing mom for dad’s cheating

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Throughout our marriage my husband has had trysts online and in person. When I became aware of this, I began the process of leaving but then was diagnosed with cancer and my focus completely changed from leaving to surviving.

Now my children, a teen and preteen, have become aware of my husband's infidelity. My daughter saw my husband...Read more

Boyfriend Won't Step Up

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a single mother of two teenage girls. After a series of abusive relationships, I hadn't dated for two years until recently. A few months ago, I met a man, and we've been seeing each other and sharing intimate moments. But the way he acts has me very confused.

He says that marriage is something he's simply not interested in. I'...Read more

Single File: Rebuttal

Life Advice / Single File /

For the record, this columnist needs a posting of her own. Needled by some recent reader comments -- not always in the most generous spirit -- she (moi) needs to air some thoughts in response. Bear with me, all ye of good faith, as I take time to vent my spleen.

For openers, this column is not dedicated to partnering every extant/breathing ...Read more


Life got in the way, and I ghosted someone. How late is too late for redemption?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

There’s not much worse than the feeling of being ghosted when online dating. (For the uninitiated, consider yourself lucky, but “ghosting” is when someone you’ve been chatting with or seeing completely disappears on you without warning — no “nice meeting you but I don’t see a connection” text or anything. Just stops responding ...Read more


Ask Anna: How to tell if you like someone or just admire them

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I need advice. I’m on the spectrum but unsure if my problem is related to my autism. Since I was a child, I've struggled to distinguish between strong admiration and romantic crushes. Often, I develop obsessive feelings for someone based on their exceptional skills in a field I'm interested in — like music or gaming. I don't ...Read more

Asking Eric: Employee wants vindication from bully boss

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I worked in an office where I was bullied and harassed by a known predator who targeted me for attacks.

This employer handled the situation like all enablers of abusers: deny, blame, ignore, and marginalize the victim.

I was 59 when this happened and had never faced anything like it.

I found a new job and worked at this company for...Read more

Dealing With Depression

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My ex-husband was very controlling and always had to have the upper hand in conversations. Today, we do all of our communicating through email only, but he still needs to end all correspondence on his terms.

We have been divorced for three years now, but he still thinks he can control me because we have a joint parenting plan, which...Read more

Asking Eric: Cousin brings friend to every family event

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Throughout my childhood, my cousin always had to have her friend join family events.

Fast-forward 40 years and my cousin has moved back home after widowhood. Guess who’s back at everything?

The friend is a lovely person. I have no issue with her. It’s just that sometimes we want it to be only family. How do I broach this?

– ...Read more


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