Entertainment News
What is the spell to levitate objects?
A) Expelliarmus
B) Accio
C) Alohomora
D) Wingardium Leviosa
What spell is used to disarm an opponent?
A) Avada Kedavra
B) Crucio
C) Expelliarmus
D) Stupefy
What is the spell used to repel Dementors?
A) Riddikulus
B) Expecto Patronum
C) Impedimenta
D) Petrificus Totalus
What do the initials R.A.B. stand for?
A) Rupert Alexander Boot
B) Regulus Arcturus Black
C) Rolf Amos Bagnold
D) Rufus Alphard Burbage
Which family lives at The Burrow?
A) The Dursleys
B) The Malfoys
C) The Lovegoods
D) The Weasleys
Who is the head of the goblin-run Gringotts Wizarding Bank?
A) Ragnok
B) Griphook
C) Bogrod
D) Skragnok
What is Hagrid's pet dragon's name?
A) Fluffy
B) Norbert
C) Buckbeak
D) Aragog
What was Professor McGonagall's Animagus form?
A) A phoenix
B) A cat
C) A wolf
D) A stag
What potion allows the drinker to take on the appearance of someone else?
A) Veritaserum
B) Polyjuice Potion
C) Felix Felicis
D) Amortentia
What spell does Lupin teach Harry to ward off Dementors?
A) Expecto Patronum
B) Expelliarmus
C) Riddikulus
D) Protego
Who betrays Harry's parents to Voldemort?
A) Sirius Black
B) Remus Lupin
C) Peter Pettigrew
D) Severus Snape
Who is the Head of Hufflepuff House during Harry's time at Hogwarts?
A) Professor McGonagall
B) Professor Flitwick
C) Professor Snape
D) Professor Sprout
Who did Hermione take to the Yule Ball?
A) Ron Weasley
B) Harry Potter
C) Cedric Diggory
D) Viktor Krum
Who becomes the master of the Elder Wand after Voldemort's death?
A) Ron Weasley
B) Harry Potter
C) Draco Malfoy
D) Neville Longbottom
What is the name of Hagrid's pet dragon?
A) Saphira
B) Smoky
C) Norbert
D) Drako
Which of these characters did not die in the Battle of Hogwarts?
A) Fred Weasley
B) Remus Lupin
C) Percy Weasley
D) Nymphadora Tonks
Who is the master of death according to the "Deathly Hallows" legend?
A) The person who possesses the Invisibility Cloak, Resurrection Stone, and Elder Wand
B) Lord Voldemort
C) Albus Dumbledore
D) Nicolas Flamel
What form does Hermione's Patronus take?
A) A beaver
B) An otter
C) A doe
D) A fox
What is the name of the magical street hidden in London?
A) Spinner's End
B) Diagon Alley
C) Knockturn Alley
D) Godric's Hollow