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Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during Harry Potter's first year?

A) Severus Snape
B) Minerva McGonagall
C) Albus Dumbledore
D) Dolores Umbridge

Who was the Half-Blood Prince?

A) Voldemort
B) Sirius Black
C) Severus Snape
D) Harry Potter

Which object is known to be one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes and was destroyed by Hermione in the Chamber of Secrets?

A) Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem
B) Tom Riddle's Diary
C) Salazar Slytherin's Locket
D) Helga Hufflepuff's Cup

What is the name of the Weasley family's home?

A) Grimmauld Place
B) Shell Cottage
C) The Burrow
D) Malfoy Manor

Which one of Voldemort's followers is not a Death Eater?

A) Barty Crouch Jr.
B) Bellatrix Lestrange
C) Fenrir Greyback
D) Lucius Malfoy

Who was the Hufflepuff House ghost?

A) Nearly Headless Nick
B) The Grey Lady
C) The Fat Friar
D) The Bloody Baron

Who said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"?

A) Fred Weasley
B) Sirius Black
C) James Potter
D) Remus Lupin

What is the spell to conjure the Dark Mark?

A) Expecto Patronum
B) Morsmordre
C) Nox
D) Ascendio

Which of the following characters did not die in the Battle of Hogwarts?

A) Nymphadora Tonks
B) Lavender Brown
C) Percy Weasley
D) Fred Weasley

What is the spell to levitate objects?

A) Expelliarmus
B) Accio
C) Alohomora
D) Wingardium Leviosa

What spell is used to disarm an opponent?

A) Avada Kedavra
B) Crucio
C) Expelliarmus
D) Stupefy

What is the spell used to repel Dementors?

A) Riddikulus
B) Expecto Patronum
C) Impedimenta
D) Petrificus Totalus

What do the initials R.A.B. stand for?

A) Rupert Alexander Boot
B) Regulus Arcturus Black
C) Rolf Amos Bagnold
D) Rufus Alphard Burbage

Which family lives at The Burrow?

A) The Dursleys
B) The Malfoys
C) The Lovegoods
D) The Weasleys



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