From the Right



The Forces of Evil, EVIL! Are Lining Up to Stop Trump With All the Power, Money and Influence They Have!

Wayne Allyn Root on

The world just changed. I never thought I'd live long enough to see this day. America is about to take the red pill! This nation is about to find out some ugly truths about vaccines in general! The deadly COVID vaccine in particular!

The crimes of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma, along with their greedy, criminal Ponzi scheme friends at the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and AMA.

Never in this nation's history has a critic and foe of Big Pharma been allowed to get near the Department of Health and Human Services, let alone run it! Thank you, President Donald Trump. But Bobby Kennedy Jr. now runs HHS. Bobby happens to have the exact same views as mine about issues that will shock and rock the world.

Here is what I believe: I believe the COVID vaccine is dangerous, deadly and the biggest disaster in the history of health care. I believe the COVID vaccine has killed and injured millions of Americans, and tens of millions around the world. I believe the COVID vaccine is responsible for the explosion of injuries, disease and record-setting excess deaths around the world -- including heart attacks and heart diseases of all kinds such as myocarditis, strokes, blood clots and turbo cancer (to name a few). I believe large numbers of deaths during the drug trials for the COVID vaccine were intentionally covered up by Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC and Fauci. This is the biggest fraud in world history, and it constitutes crimes against humanity. I believe the COVID vaccine program should have been suspended back in early 2021 when we saw reports of a massive number of deaths in the VAERS reporting system. I believe Fauci and his cronies used U.S. taxpayer money to create the COVID-19 virus that has killed millions. And of course, they knew from Day 1 that COVID was created in a biowarfare lab -- because they funded the lab. I believe everything Fauci and other leaders of U.S. health care recommended to combat COVID -- masks, lockdowns, social distancing, ventilators, the drug remdesivir, and of course, the COVID vaccine itself -- were all based on lies, fraud and crimes against humanity. I believe placing and keeping the COVID vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule -- knowing what we now know -- is a crime of epic proportions against children. I believe this scam has been successfully perpetrated because the U.S. media was bribed into silence and mass censorship with billions of dollars in bribes paid by Big Pharma and the U.S. government. I believe that Big Pharma spending billions more on advertising has resulted in the mainstream media becoming complicit partners in the biggest and most deadly health care disaster and scam in world history. I believe the drug remdesivir is the worst and most deadly drug ever given to unsuspecting innocent patients. This drug is so bad that nurses across America call it "Run, Death Is Near." I believe doctors across America -- including pediatricians -- encouraged and injected (and are still injecting) their patients (including innocent children) with this deadly COVID vaccine because they get huge bonuses from Big Pharma -- often as high as a million dollars a year -- if they get a large percentage of their patients injected. This constitutes crimes against humanity. I know there are studies from countries around the world showing the COVID vaccine is dangerous, deadly and damages and destroys immune systems. But the public has never heard of these studies because mainstream media refuses to report on them -- in return for massive Big Pharma advertising that literally employs half the newsroom. I believe masks are dirty, dangerous and completely ineffective when used by the public to protect against any virus. They are a total scam -- only making those who wear them more likely to get sick. I believe lockdowns were not only a complete failure but caused more mental and physical illness, more cancer, more deaths, more suicides, more depression, more alcohol and drug addiction -- and as a bonus, destroyed the U.S. economy and put tens of millions out of work. I believe vaccines in general -- although some have saved lives and eradicated disease -- are filled with nasty chemicals and dangerous fillers and preservatives. So, no one wants to eradicate vaccines. We just want to make them healthier. I believe the epidemic of autism started when we began demanding children take far too many childhood vaccines. That is no coincidence. I believe the flu shot is completely worthless and ineffective. As a matter of fact, for over 20 years I've asked every person I know suffering from the flu, "Did you take the flu shot?" and the answer is always "Yes." Meanwhile, I've never had a flu shot in my life, and I rarely ever get sick. I believe the air we breathe is being poisoned by chemtrails. I believe our drinking water is being poisoned by fluoride. I believe our food is being poisoned by chemicals, preservatives and pesticides. I believe the answer to obesity, diabetes, diseases of all kinds and living a longer, healthier life is not found in pills from Big Pharma. It can only be achieved with exercise, fitness, healthy diet and lifestyle, prayer, meditation and mega-doses of vitamins. I believe the Medical-Industrial Complex has bribed the mainstream media and 99% of our political leaders, so most Americans have never heard any of this.


Now RFK Jr. is in charge. I'm certain he agrees with me on all of this. I'm certain he knows all of this is true. And I'm certain he wants dramatic change. But I'm also certain the forces of evil are lining up to stop him with all the power, money and influence they have. Now let's see what Bobby Kennedy Jr. is able to achieve. Whoever wins will determine if we will "make America healthy again."


Watch Wayne's nightly TV show, "The ROOT Reaction" every weekday night at 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV, and Wayne's weekend "America's Top Ten Countdown" on Saturdays at noon EST/9 a.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch. Read Wayne's latest fun book, "How Democrats Have Made America Great." It's 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!

Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate, Inc.



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