From the Right





Republicans Backing Away From Most Important Issue of Our Day

When can you deliberately kill an innocent human being?

Answer: Never.

But that is not what the Republican Party says in the new platform it approved at its convention this week.

When President Ronald Reagan was running for reelection in 1984, the Republican Party adopted a platform that unequivocally called for the legal protection of all ...Read more

God's Hand on Donald J. Trump

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

An inch.

One inch, and President Donald J. Trump would be dead.

One slight turn of the head.

One slight turn of the head saved Donald J. Trump's life.

The fact that Donald J. Trump is alive today is a miracle. There is no other way to see it. His assassin had a clear line of sight. He was 135 meters from Trump. He got off multiple rounds. ...Read more

NBC Omits Biden Scolding Lester Holt as a Trump Enabler!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

NBC anchorman Lester Holt interviewed President Joe Biden on the first day of the Republican convention. In the past, that would be seen as impolite, for one party's nominee to intrude on the other party's convention week. That's why NBC offered that deal to Donald Trump -- should he choose to accept it.

Holt's interview wasn't a sappy softball...Read more

Niyi Fote/Cover Images/Cover Images

The Trump Fist-Pump is an Icon for Our Times

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — Between the mugshot and the assassination survival fist-pump, Trump now has more bad boy anti-establishment iconic images than Che Guevara. That’s always bad news for the elites trying to destroy an ideology.

It’s when under extreme pressure or threat that one finds out what they’re really made of, behind the facade of marketing...Read more

Corey Comperatore Embodied Heroic Masculinity

From the Right / Victor Joecks /

Popular culture denigrates masculinity. In one moment, Corey Comperatore showed why it's so important.

On Saturday, a would-be assassin took aim at former President Donald Trump. A bullet hit Trump's ear, missing his brain by inches. It's sobering to think about how close our country came to a much darker outcome. If Trump didn't move his ...Read more

Trump Rewrites Republican Convention Speech to Focus on Unity, Not Biden

From the Right / Salena Zito /

WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity.

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper's bullet, Trump said he wanted to ...Read more

An Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable!

From the Right / Dennis Prager /

There are consequences to virtually every mainstream media, office-holding Democrat and left-wing academic labeling former President Donald Trump a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist and a mortal threat to American democracy. One consequence is that more than a few people will want Trump dead -- killed, if necessary; who would not want such an...Read more

Leftist Social Media Must Tone Down the Rhetoric!

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” – politics/fromtheright/calthomas/s-3330593">Read more

A Would-Be Assassin Goes After Trump and Democracy

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- A different turn of the head, a shift of the wind, and the outcome could have been far worse for America. As it was, the unthinkable did not happen Saturday, but the moment laid bare how precarious the peaceful transfer of power can be. Even in 2024.

An innocent man was killed and two others were seriously wounded in ...Read more

Trump is a Genius! Democrats are Screwed!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

President Donald Trump just showed his real-world brilliance and branding expertise. His new RNC platform is sheer genius. It is "Marketing/Branding 101."

It is all about one thing: #WINNING.

Trump understands the golden rule of politics: First and foremost, you have to win. Because if you don't win, you have no power, you achieve nothing, and...Read more

Your Sins Will Find You Out

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Years ago, a dear friend who worked for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld invited me to join the two of them at a photography exhibit. The Secretary needed some assistance, having had shoulder surgery. He was loathe to have a lady carry his briefcase. It became my job. We walked through the exhibit of photographs and he had stories ...Read more

Democrats Only Have Themselves to Blame for Their Joe Biden Mess

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

It has been two weeks since palpably senile President Joe Biden delivered the single worst performance ever given in a presidential debate, and the fallout continues to tear the Democratic Party asunder.

For two weeks, most of the left-wing corporate media, joined by a small but growing number of elected Democratic officials, have desperately...Read more

Would Kamala Harris Be a Better Candidate Than Joe Biden? Doubtful

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

If Joe Biden is pushed out of the presidential race by elite Democrats, the most obvious replacement is Kamala Harris. Numerous pundits have noted that the vice president is already running ahead of Biden against Donald Trump -- even before she's had the chance to make her case.

Though I'm not in the predictions racket, I've been around long ...Read more

It's Time for Biden to Put Country First

From the Right / Mona Charen /

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." -- Proverbs 16:18

President Joe Biden, who earned our respect and affection over the past four years, is now trying our souls. In an interview on a Philadelphia radio show, he mumbled that he was proud to be "the first Black woman to serve with a Black president." Later, ...Read more

Extremist Democrats Count on 'Fact-Checkers' on Abortion

From the Right / Tim Graham /

Republicans and many independents do not believe in the term "independent fact-checkers" when it comes to federal elections. Fact-checkers predictably defend Democrats from GOP "misinformation" in election season. Democrat extremism on abortion is one topic where the fact-"checkers" are the fact-manglers.

Take Republican Senate candidate Tim ...Read more

Our Monarchical Presidency

From the Right / Michael Barone /

Fourteen days after his disastrous debate, President Joe Biden is still in the race for reelection. Multiple elected Democrats, New York Times editorial writers and columnists, and Democratic Party megadonors -- "elites," sneers the perceptive David Dayen -- have called on him to step aside. A secret ballot of congressional Democrats, the ...Read more

Democrats Face 2 Options -- The Pelosi Way or Clooney way

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- Let's remember the original sin in the Joe Biden saga. In 2008, Barack Obama chose the then-Delaware senator to be his running mate.

Obama, then an Illinois senator, wanted someone with years of Washington experience to balance his first-term decision to run for the presidency. Biden had the glad-handing skills the cerebral ...Read more

Holes In the Constitution

In his famous dissent in Olmstead v. United States, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis in 1928 called the right to be left alone the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. He was referring to the right to be left alone from the government -- a right that today we call privacy.

Olmstead was involved in ...Read more

Broadening the Base: How Trump Can Secure Swing Voters and Win the 2024 Election

As the Republican National Convention kicks off Monday, former President Donald Trump's campaign stands at a critical juncture. His core supporters remain steadfast. But winning will require the former president to broaden his appeal to the undecided or voters underwhelmed by his maiden term. He must convince them they will be better off after...Read more

Make America Affordable Again

The Republican National Committee just released its 2024 platform. While calling it a platform is a stretch, the list of bullet points gives an idea of what the potential next Trump administration's goals are. Here's one issue that should be front and center: End inflation and make America affordable again.

To be sure, "make America more ...Read more


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