From the Right
The Fall of the Censorship Wall at Facebook
Since Donald Trump won reelection, the fiercest Trump-bashers in the press have raged against any sign of media titans softening their approaches before the second term begins. Visits to Mar-a-Lago? Outrageous! Donating to Trump's inauguration? Unconscionable!
Then Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced his Meta sites would be abandoning ...Read more
Never Mind Biden and Big Tech, Fear 'Trump's Censorship Arsenal'
Point and laugh at The Hollywood Reporter. After four years of Team Biden pressuring Big Tech to crush dissent on social media, not to mention Team Biden pressuring the news media to crush any word of President Joe Biden's mental decline, they're going to warn the world about Donald Trump and censorship.
The silly headline on this silly ...Read more
Biden's Partisan US Attorney in DC Was Never 'Newsworthy!'
He held an important position -- U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia -- but Matthew Graves has been nearly invisible in the national media over the last four years as a Biden appointee. They didn't seriously cover what he's done, and what he's failed to do.
What he's done is hyperactively prosecute Jan. 6 protesters -- whether violent or...Read more
Biden the Invisible President Lies Without Consequence!
Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he's anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden's presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.
On Dec. 15, ...Read more
Who Can Trust White House Reporters Who Hid Biden's Infirmity?
Even after The Wall Street Journal published a four-byline bombshell detailing how President Joe Biden's staff energetically hid his ongoing cognitive decline from the public, there wasn't a single question at the White House briefing. No reporters demanded answers about how they were misled, or complained they were pressured into silence.
They...Read more