From the Left



King Trump

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"With fear for our democracy," Justice Sonia Sotomayor concludes in her brilliant dissent in Trump v. United States, "I dissent."

She is right. Very frighteningly right.

After reading what happened at the oral argument, I knew what was coming. The court was looking for a way to carve up the baby, giving some form of immunity to former ...Read more

Is This Really the Best We Can Do?

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

It was painful to watch. Two men vying for the most important job in the world. And neither of them making the cut.

Trump was Trump -- just as expected, bragging and blustering, lying and threatening, refusing to say he would accept the results of the election, defending the Jan. 6 rioters. It is no exaggeration to say he is a threat to our ...Read more

Should Masks be Banned at Gaza Protests?

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Things got violent outside a Los Angeles orthodox synagogue on Sunday, leading the mayor at a Monday press conference to say that a ban on wearing masks to such protests should be considered. A number of the pro-Palestinian protestors Sunday, who blocked entrance to the synagogue and ended up in fistfights and spraying Bear spray at those ...Read more

Great Debates

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"Pray for Jack Kennedy," I said to Bill Clinton, then the governor of Arkansas and lead "spinner" for the 1988 vice presidential debate in Omaha, Nebraska. We had been rehearsing that week in Austin, with Rep. Dennis Eckart playing Dan Quayle, me playing moderator Judy Woodruff, and Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen playing himself, the Democratic vice...Read more


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