
This Day in History, March 4
On March 4th, 1801, Thomas Jefferson became the first President of the United States to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

This Day in History, March 3
On March 3rd, 1931, "The Star-Spangled Banner" was adopted as the national anthem of the United States.

This Day in History, March 2
On March 2nd, 1917, Alexander II of Russia abdicated in favor of his brother Michael.

This Day in History, March 1
On March 1st, 1692, the Salem Witch Trials began.

This Day in History, February 28
On February 28th, 1827, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was chartered.

This Day in History, February 27
On February 27th, 1827, the first Mardi Gras was celebrated in New Orleans.

This Day in History, February 26
On February 26th, 1797, the Bank of England issued the first pound note.

This Day in History, February 25
On February 25th, 1933, the USS Ranger, the first custom-built aircraft carrier, was launched.

This Day in History, February 24
On February 24th, 1839, William Otis received a patent for his steam shovel.

This Day in History, February 23
On February 23rd, 1455, the print run of the Gutenberg Bible began.

This Day in History, February 22
On February 22nd, 1855, the Pennsylvania State University was founded.

This Day in History, February 21
On February 21st, 1431, the trial of Joan of Arc began.

This Day in History, February 20
On February 20th, 1547, Edward VI was crowned King of England at the age of nine.

This Day in History, February 19
On February 19th, 1915, the Battle of Gallipoli began.

This Day in History, February 18
On February 18th, 1229, Emperor Frederick II signed a truce, regaining Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem for the Holy Roman Empire.

This Day in History, February 17
On February 17th, 1621, Miles Standish was appointed first commander of the Plymouth colony.

This Day in History, February 16
On February 16th, 1940, 299 British prisoners were freed from the German tanker Altmark by soldiers from the HMS Cossack.

This Day in History, February 15
On February 14th, 1898, The USS Maine explodes and sinks in Havana harbor in Cuba, killing more than 260. This event leads to the Spanish-American War.

This Day in History, February 14
On February 14th, 1879, The War of the Pacific breaks out when Chilean armed forces occupy the Bolivian port city of Antofagasta.

This Day in History, February 13
On February 13th, 1633, Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition.