


How low a price can livestock go for?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The lowest price on record ever paid for livestock was at a sale at Kuraman, Cape Province, South Africa in 1934, where donkeys were sold for less than 3 cents each.

Did G.I. Joe ever return to his original 12-inch size?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Absolutely -- 1997 saw the introduction of the Classic Collection, which harkened back to the original all military theme of G.I. Joe including fairly realistic uniforms and gear. Soldiers from Australia, Britain, and other nations, as well as United States Forces were featured. The line also presented an all-new articulated G.I. Joe figure that...Read more

How many countries have a McDonalds?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

There are more 25,000 McDonald's restaurants in over 115 countries. McDonald's has actually been remarkably responsive to the local cultures: they offer "ayran" (a popular chilled yogurt drink) in Turkey; McLaks (a grilled salmon sandwich) in Norway, and teriyaki burgers in Japan. In New Delhi, India, where Hindus shun beef and Muslims refuse ...Read more

How long did President Harrison serve?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

William Henry Harrison served the shortest term of any U.S. president. He served only 32 days, from March 4 to April 4, 1841. He fell ill with pneumonia shortly after his inauguration and never recovered.

Where was coffee first discovered?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

A popular myth traces the early history of coffee to Ethiopia, where Coffea arabica originates. According to the myth, a goatherder named Kaldi observed goats that became elated and sleepless at night after browsing on coffee shrubs and, upon trying the berries himself, experienced the same

How many races did Eddie lose?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Eddie Arcaro, one of the greatest jockeys in horse race history, rode 250 losers before he won his first race. Ultimately, Arcaro won 4,779 races -- including five Derby winners, six in the Preakness, and six in the Belmont Stakes, on such famous horses as Whirlaway, Citation, and Kelso.

Where are most ripe olives produced?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

From 70 to 80 percent of all ripe olives are grown in California's approximately 35,000 acres. In the 1700's, Franciscan monks brought olives to Mexico and then into California by way of the missions. The first cuttings were planted in 1769 at the San Diego Mission. Commercial cultivation of California olives began in the late 1800s. Today, ...Read more

Do pigeons get lonely?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon. If no other pigeon is available, her own reflection in a mirror will suffice.

Can your ear suppress your appetite?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

According to acupuncturists, there is a point on the head that you can press to control your appetite. It is located in the hollow just in front of the flap of the ear.

Are we rusting away?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

From bridges to rebar, rust is everywhere. According to a recent study, the annual cost of metallic corrosion in the U.S. is approximately $300 billion. The report, by the Specialty Steel Industry of North America, Washington, D.C., estimated that about one-third of that cost could be avoided through broader application of corrosion-resistant ...Read more

Where can't you carry your gum in Somalia?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

In Somalia, Africa, it's been decreed illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on the tip of your nose.

Why was Lucille kicked out of school?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Madcap comedienne Lucille Ball was kicked out of drama school in New York City when she was 15 because she was too quiet and shy.

Which is the oldest horse?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Today's oldest form of horse is the Przewalski, or Mongolian Wild Horse. Survivors of this breed were discovered in the Gobi Desert in 1881.

When would you have worn chopines?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

"Chopines" were platform shoes that became popular in Europe during the 16th century. Some chopines were over 20 inches tall. In the 1400's, a popular form of shoes called "crakows" sported extremely long toes. The length of the toes, which could be over 20 inches, was an indication of the social

Where is the Calla lily grown?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The flower of the Calla lily is 8 feet high and 12 feet wide. It is grown in Sumatra.

How many lunar landers are on the moon?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Even though there were only six manned lunar landings, there are seven Apollo lunar landers on the moon. Apollo X, as part of their mission, dropped their lunar lander to test seismic equipment that had already been set up on a previous mission.

How did chintz come about?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

More than 5,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered how to make silk from silkworm cocoons. For about 3,000 years, the Chinese kept this discovery a secret. Because poor people could not afford real silk, they tried to make other cloth look silky. Women would beat on cotton with sticks to soften the fibers. Then they rubbed it against a big stone ...Read more

How big is the Sahara Desert?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The Sahara Desert comprises an area as large as Europe. Its total land mass is some 3,565,565 square miles.

Why do geese fly in 'V?'

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Migrating geese fly in a V-formation to save energy. A goose's wings churn the air and leave an air current behind. In the flying wedge, each bird is in position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. It is easier going for all, except the leader. During a migration, geese are apt


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