Why do Chinese step back when a coffin's closed?
At funerals in ancient China, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward lest their shadows get caught in the box.
How do you make toffee?
Toffee is made by boiling together brown sugar, butter, and vinegar.
What color is a baby white whale?
At birth, the white whale is black.
When was the first jury hung?
The term “hung jury,” a jury that cannot agree on a verdict, was coined in the 1840s.
Who was first with 'tranquilizer?'
In 1822, in his book Confessions of an English Opium Eater, Thomas DeQuincy invented the word "tranquilizer" to describe the effect of opium.
What was writings on blindness taboo?
After Helen Keller graduated magna cum laude from Radcliffe College in 1904, she began writing about blindness, a subject taboo in women's magazines because so many cases were related to venereal disease.
How many types of bread did Egyptians make?
In 4000 B.C., Egyptians discovered yeast's leavening abilities and turned out more than 40 types of bread.
Which American city is warmest?
Key West, Florida, is the top-ranking American city for warmth, with an annual average temperature of 77.7 degrees F; International Falls, Minnesota, is the coldest, with an annual average of 36.4 degrees F.
What made bayberry candles so special?
American colonists discovered that superior candles could be made from the fruit of a squat bush growing in the sand dunes along the New England seashore. The small, grayish bayberry was picked, crushed, and boiled. The mixture had to be skimmed several times before the pale, nearly transparent, green fat was sufficiently refined. Bayberry ...Read more
How dense can we make matter?
Scientists can condense matter to greater densities and temperature than those at the center of the sun. Fusion-energy research at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California uses 20 laser beams to concentrate on targets so tiny that dozens can be gathered on the head of the pin.
How prestigious is the Medal of Honor?
The Medal of Honor, often referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor because the President presents the award "in the name of Congress", is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States. It is bestowed on a member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself or herself "... conspicuously by gallantry and ...Read more
How much garbage was in Paris during the 1400's?
Public sanitation was at an all-time low during the Middle Ages. Garbage was piled up so high outside the city of Paris during the 1400's that it interfered with the city's defenses.
Why do you serve a lemon with fish?
The custom of serving a slice of lemon with fish dates back to the Middle Ages. It was believed that if a person accidentally swallowed a fish bone, the lemon juice would dissolve it.
Are Cheetos chips or snacks?
It has been widely contested as to whether Cheetos are indeed "chips" or a more generic "snack" classification is applicable - the question of "Cheetos - chip or something else?" has been asked for years, with neither answer being more widely accepted than another (depending on the individual's definition of "chip"). Frito-Lay, as yet, has been ...Read more
What were some of the sexual overtones in Heinlein's most popular novels?
Sexual freedom and the elimination of sexual jealousy are a major theme of Stranger in a Strange Land (1961), in which the straitlaced nurse Jill acts as a dramatic foil for the less parochial characters Jubal Harshaw and Mike. Two negative references to homosexuality have been interpreted by some readers as being homophobic, but both deal with ...Read more
What unusual uses has Scotch tape been put to?
Ornithologists often use Scotch tape to cover cracks in the soft shells of fertilized pigeon eggs, allowing the eggs to hatch. Scotch tape has also been used as an anti-corrosive shield on the Goodyear Blimp.
What do you call a group of...?
A group of unicorns is called a blessing. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of ravens is an unkindness. A group of crows is a murder. A group of bears is called a sleuth.
Are Tintin comics racist?
The earliest stories in The Adventures of Tintin have been criticised for racist and colonialist leanings, including caricatured portrayals of non-Europeans. However, Herge by his own admission was rather naive at the time and was largely informed by the then conventional views of his editor. Some of the early albums were later altered by Herge ...Read more
Is absinthe particularly addictive?
At the height of this popularity, absinthe was portrayed as a dangerously addictive, psychoactive drug; the chemical thujone was blamed for most of its deleterious effects. By 1915 it was banned in a number of European countries and the United States. Even though it was vilified, there is no evidence showing it to be any more dangerous than ...Read more
What makes up Nutella?
Nutella is a hazelnut spread made with skim milk and cocoa. It is virtually unknown in America, but European children have happily smeared it on breakfast croissants for decades.