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10 summertime plants that are toxic to dogs

Andrea Richards on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

The sun is shining, the weather's warm, schools are out—it's time for some summer fun! For folks with canine companions, summer means more time outdoors. From long walks through shady spots to days at the beach or the lake, time outside means more sunshine for everyone—a welcome relief after those dreary winters that can get pet parents and their wards down too.

Whether or not your dog experiences winter blues, summertime brings more sunlight, heat, and physical stimulation. This seasonal change brings positive and negative possibilities—on the plus side, there's more vitamin D, more exercise, and more time together. Moreover, most dog parents know some of the summer dangers to watch for, like overheating, dehydration, hot pavement on the paws, and sunburn (yes, dogs need sunscreen too).

Something often disregarded until you're on the way to the vet, though: toxic outdoor plants.

Many species of wild plants, including familiar trees, shrubs, and flowers, can be poisonous to dogs. When ingested, symptoms can range from mild discomfort and gastro troubles to convulsions and death. Most people with dogs take care to eliminate harmful houseplants but often overlook the plants their furry friends might encounter outside.


So you're prepared for your next foray outdoors, Ollie researched summertime plants that are toxic to dogs and created a field guide for 10 of the most common ones to avoid this season, using research from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, American Kennel Club, and scientific studies.

Should your dog eat one of these plants—or even if you suspect they might have—call your vet or emergency pet care facility immediately and do as they advise. Also, save a piece or take a picture of whatever plant might be the culprit so it can be identified.

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