/Home & Leisure

Carrie Fisher's Dog Steals The Spotlight
Did you know that August 26th is World Dog Day? Here are some of our favourite celebrity dog stories.

Service dogs can reduce the severity of PTSD for veterans – new research
Service dogs can alleviate some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder for veterans, according to a study our team published in June 2024 in the medical journal JAMA Network Open.
Over the past decade, our research group has been studying whether trained service dogs can help veterans with PTSD – a mental health condition that ...Read more

When people are under economic stress, their pets suffer too – we found parts of Detroit that are animal welfare deserts
Nearly two-thirds of U.S. households have at least one pet. More than ever before, companion animals are a part of life – particularly in cities, where the majority of Americans live.
Cities offer access to many resources, but often it’s not distributed evenly. Some scholars describe parts of U.S. cities with few or no grocery ...Read more

Pets give companionship, cuddles and joy – and also unavoidable stresses
Owning a pet can be a roller coaster. There are the highs, like when your dog greets you with a full-body wiggle when you return home, or when your cat purrs loudly as you cuddle next to one another. Then there are the lows, like stressful trips to urgent care, waking up to that unpleasant vomiting noise, or making the difficult choice to say...Read more
Could sharing a bedroom with your pets be keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep?
Sleeping with your dog in the same room could be negatively affecting your sleep quality, according to my team’s recently published research in Scientific Reports.
We recruited a nationally representative sample of more than 1,500 American adults who completed questionnaires assessing their sleep habits. Overall, about half of the ...Read more