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Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Parenting News


Rated PG for language, some suggestive material and thematic elements.

What it’s about: A documentary about musician, producer and fashion designer Pharrell Williams' life, done entirely in Lego style.

The kid attractor factor: Kids will definitely be drawn to the Lego style and soundtrack of popular songs.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Stay true to yourself and your creative output even if there are outside influences; be wary of spreading yourself too thin.

Violence: References to police violence in discussions of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Language: Some language.

Sex: None, just some sexy Lego dancing in the music video recreations.

Drugs: References to selling drugs.

Parents’ advisory: Fine for older kids and up, if they are interested.




Rated R for sexual content, some graphic nudity, language, sexual assault, and drug use.

What it’s about: The tutelage of Donald J. Trump under the guidance and mentorship of Roy Cohn.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is an adult drama.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Be careful who you empower — they could become a monster.

Violence: A violent rape scene.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: Several graphic sex scenes and a sexual assault scene.

Drugs: Use of methamphetamines.

Parents’ advisory: This is a sordid portrait of Donald Trump's young adulthood that made him into the man he is today. Probably best for teens and older.


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