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Could her heartburn, she wondered, be a symptom of a heart attack?
The day Angie Loving married Sam Abadir, she was on the list for a heart transplant. It was Feb. 29, 2020, three months after she survived a massive heart attack. She was still relearning seemingly simple givens of life like how to eat, speak and walk; still dealing with ensuing blood clot issues; still working through daily therapy.
But while ...Read more

Professor provides tips to better health through intimacy
Better sleep, less stress, stronger immune system — are these the results of a better diet? Exercise? It’s just “good sex.”
Psychologist and Emory University professor Candice Hargons, who holds a doctorate in counseling psychology, is the author of “Good Sex: Stories, Science, and Strategies for Sexual Liberation.” Taking a moment ...Read more

Meltdowns, nightmares and regressions: The LA fires are taking a traumatic toll on kids
LOS ANGELES — By the time the Fortier family heard the insistent pounding on the front door, the electric power at their Altadena home had been out for hours, and they were huddled around a flashlight doing a puzzle. Their neighbors shouted they needed to leave — now.
Graham Fortier and his wife buckled his two daughters, Abigail, 5, and ...Read more
Marriage Needs Communication About Healthy Boundaries
Q: While my husband was away on a weeklong business trip, I had a male friend from the office come over to eat and brainstorm a work project. After my young daughter fell asleep, we hung out watching movies together. When I told my husband about it, he got upset and feels that I’ve betrayed him. I think he’s overreacting; what’s your take?...Read more
The Road to Wellness: Paved with Red Lights and Vibration Plates
I went in for what I call a "shake and bake" recently, cooking like a chicken in a rotisserie under thousands of tiny red LED bulbs and then jiggling myself silly on a weight-loss platform.
I wasn't entirely sure how I wound up in a "wellness spa" looking like a sweaty submariner under emergency drills in "The Hunt for Red October," but most ...Read more
Do Not Shake Hands!
The thing about traveling abroad is that suddenly the way you do everyday things turns out not to be the way everyone else does those things, and the mind is blown. Or at least opened a smidge.
So allow me, if you will, to describe a few things that folks in Buenos Aires do differently from us in the States. Starting with ... coffee breaks.
...Read more

Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
The cost of child care now exceeds the price of college tuition in 38 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new analysis conducted by the Economic Policy Institute.
The left-leaning think tank, based in Washington, D.C., used 2023 federal and nonprofit data to compare the monthly cost of infant child care to that of tuition at ...Read more

Family guide to new movie releases
Rated R for violent content, language throughout, sexual content and drug material.
What it’s about: Seeking to escape his problems on Earth, Mickey joins an expedition to another planet where he becomes an "expendable" — his body reprinted again and again when he dies.
The kid attractor factor: This edgy social satire does ...Read more

Lori Borgman: Men's underwear under lock and key
I dashed into our Walmart to pick up a few greeting cards and noticed huge glass cases lining both sides of a nearby aisle.
My first thought was they had locked up hunting guns, but this Walmart doesn’t sell firearms anymore. Then I thought maybe they locked up power tools like big box hardware stores do. Wrong again.
The merchandise locked ...Read more

Ex-etiquette: Affairs and revenge
Q. My ex and I were together for nine years. We had two children, now 6 and 8. I cheated on him. I met someone at work, and we started a relationship. I know it was wrong, but it happened, and I left. Since that day he has been completely irrational, and he has become someone I don’t know. He posts insane accusations on social media. He stalks...Read more

Clinches, corsets and cartoons: The evolution of the romance novel cover
The history of the romance novel cover charts the evolution not just of the romance novel itself, but of our changing attitudes as a society. Romance novel covers tell the story of readers’ hopes, tastes and desires. But most of all, “the romance book cover is a promise to the reader,” says archivist and romance historian Steve Ammidown.
...Read more

Love and loyalty are tested in romantic crime novel
Joy Fortuna’s "Even Dusk Has Its Dawn" is the thrilling second installment in the Max Rossi Series that blends crime, romance, and suspense with finesse. Following the events of "In the Shadow of Dusk," this book delivers a gripping narrative that explores justice, loyalty, romance, and the intricate fight between good and evil.
The story ...Read more

During family vacation, 39-year-old mother's heart stopped at a water park
During a Fourth of July weekend with their two children, Tara and Tyler Yell visited a water park about 90 minutes from their home in Frisco, Texas.
The parents joined their daughter, Emerson, then 10, and son, Declan, 4, on rides and slides, laughing and splashing. Suddenly Tara started to feel dizzy and sick. Her heart raced.
For the first ...Read more
Stay Present With Kids After Divorce
Q: My wife left me and filed for divorce, which I didn’t want. But now it’s done. I’m concerned about how I can have a positive influence on my kids since I’m only allowed to be with them a few days out of each month. Do you have any advice?
Jim: My heart goes out to you. While it may seem trite, a good place to begin is with the ...Read more
Kids Aren't Private Property
Not that I feel like hanging out in 21-degree weather with 45 mph winds -- thank you very much, February -- but if I did, I would not be welcome at many of my local playgrounds. As the New York City Parks Department website informs folks like me, with no young kids:
"At many playgrounds, adults are not allowed except when accompanying a child...Read more

Teens are spilling dark thoughts to AI chatbots. Who's to blame when something goes wrong?
LOS ANGELES -- When her teen with autism suddenly became angry, depressed and violent, the mother searched his phone for answers.
She found her son had been exchanging messages with chatbots on Character.AI, an artificial intelligence app that allows users to create and interact with virtual characters that mimic celebrities, historical figures...Read more

Family guide to new movie releases
Rated PG-13 for brief strong language.
What it’s about: A tense drama based on a real-life survival story about a diver stranded in the North Sea.
The kid attractor factor: Not much — this is more of an adult drama.
Good lessons/bad lessons: Human empathy and teamwork can defy death — and physics.
Violence: Some ...Read more

Lori Borgman: Umarell alert: Watch out!
I came home the other day and my hubby was not home. His car was here, so I figured he had gone for a walk.
He didn’t come home and didn’t come home, so I was concerned he was collapsed on a sidewalk somewhere.
He has never collapsed on a sidewalk before, but when you reach a certain age, and have an active imagination, the possibilities ...Read more

Ex-etiquette: Caught red-handed
Q. My wife and I have been doing our best to get along with her ex and his partner. We all have kids and have decided we will all be the first to call each other if there is an emergency for the kids. Because of this, we all exchanged keys to our homes in case of emergency. The kids go back and forth on a weekly basis. Yesterday I came home to ...Read more

She thought she had food poisoning. She was bleeding in her brain
As usual, Julie Ferris-Tillman had a full evening planned after leaving her office.
By day, she's vice president of a public relations firm in Milwaukee. At night, her world is a stage. She performs in sketch comedy, improv and community theater. On this Wednesday evening when she was 48, she was rehearsing for a murder mystery play opening the...Read more
Inside Parents
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- Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
- Meltdowns, nightmares and regressions: The LA fires are taking a traumatic toll on kids
- Family guide to new movie releases
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