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GOP Waking Up to the Harsh Truth About Trump


Now that President Joe Biden has stepped aside in the upcoming presidential election, Donald Trump has been forced to redesign his campaign, and he's handling the transition with all the aplomb and grace you might expect, which is to say, none.

He's done a lot of complaining about how unfair it is that he has to start over against a different candidate, sounding a lot like my kids when I tell them they have to shut off their video game whether or not they've managed to make it through the final level against Bowser.

Trump's also been casting around for punchy insults about Kamala Harris -- something as engaging and quotable as "Sleepy Joe." So far, he's tried attacking her for being multiracial, for laughing too much and for having a name that you can pronounce more than one way.

Mysteriously, though, those lines don't seem to be resonating.

Just today, MAGAs made a giant stink out of Harris' VP pick, Tim Walz, saying he wasn't "much of a spice guy" in a video where he told Harris that he ate "white guy tacos" without much seasoning.

The keyboard investigators of the right dug through Walz's past and found a recipe he'd written that included -- get this -- onion powder and paprika! Even some mild chiles! It was shocking, really, the level of deception.

It's early days yet, but one feels the GOP is fighting quite the battle if they're trying to take the hill with arguments about whose crowd sizes were bigger and whether the governor of Minnesota eats spicy food.

Trump's -- and the GOP's -- biggest problem is that they've allowed the lead Trump began to amass against Biden to fool them into thinking he was a strong candidate. The truth, that Biden was a weak one, hasn't sunk in just yet.

The hard facts are that Trump lost against a less-than-thrilling Biden four years ago and barely won against Hillary Clinton in 2016, despite her being one of the most despised presidential candidates in recent history. Heck, he even lost the popular vote to her!

I mean, Trump survived an actual assassination attempt and barely saw a bump in the polls.

There's still a lot of presidential campaign to get through (unfortunately, for the voters who have to hear about this until November), but the bloom is wearing off Trump's rose.


He's not a young man anymore, and his bizarre forward combover and fake-tan makeup mask are starting to look even more foolish than they did eight years ago. His digressions during speeches into treatises on shark attacks aren't quite as charming, and his nicknames for his competitors have lost their edge.

This is all bad news for Trump (and for his children, many of whom are riding his nepotistic coattails) but it's really bad news for the GOP bandwagoners.

Because these cowards, who had a real shot on Jan. 7, 2021, of jettisoning a multi-time loser from their midst, failed to take the opportunity. They shrugged when Trump threw his own vice president under the bus for doing the right thing, leading to death threats and burnings in effigy for Mike Pence. They joined or quietly watched as a mob attacked a true conservative, Liz Cheney, simply for speaking the truth. They failed to stand up for Sen. Mitt Romney when he followed his conscience. They remained mute or claimed to live in a banana republic when juries of Donald Trump's peers found him guilty of crimes.

The sycophants kowtowed and kissed the ring, certain that Trump's authority would remain inviolate.

What now, folks? What now, when they have a presidential candidate who won't listen to reason, who refuses to see that he's in real trouble that he can't bluster and lie his way out of? What remains to be said by the mouthpieces struggling to articulate any real benefit to a Trump presidency?

It's tough to feel too sorry for them. They had their chance to be a runaway bride from Trump as their groom. They always had the choice to leave him at the altar.

Now, though, the wedding's complete and the GOP has woken up in the harsh light of day next to Trump. For better or worse, he's their guy, and they're learning that standing by their man is going to be harder than they thought.

Because he's the man that your mama warned you about.

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