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Here's How: Vinyl Tile Floors Are Durable, Attractive

James Dulley on

Dear James: I need to replace the floor in our children's playroom. I want something durable and spill-resistant. Would a vinyl tile floor be a good choice? -- Drew B.

Dear Drew: Commercial-quality vinyl tile floor tiles would be an excellent choice for your rec room. It's often used in grocery stores and should handle active children's abuse. Also, it is not difficult to install yourself, so you can save the labor costs.

Within the past five or 10 years, many attractive vinyl floor tiles have become more popular for residential use. Vinyl tiles are not damaged by water or other spills, so they are often used in laundry rooms, basements or any area where extreme durability and moisture resistance are required.

The array of attractive colors and patterns of vinyl tiles is nearly endless. The newest ones, simulated hardwood planks, are not even the standard 12-by-12-inch tiles. They are actually long, narrow planks, usually 3 inches wide, just like real hardwood flooring. With the realistic grain patterns, once installed, they are difficult to distinguish from the real thing.

Another attractive vinyl tile option is simulated marble in rich, brilliant colors such as white, green, rose, almond, black and more. Simulated natural stone, also in many colors, is available. To get really fancy, select tiles that create an inlaid wood look with a border. It includes all the special pieces of tile that are needed.

You should be able to install the vinyl tile yourself. It is available in commercial-quality grade, usually about 1/8-inch thick or in thinner grades with self-adhesive backing. The commercial grade is probably your best choice. The tile manufacturers also supply the floor adhesive to use with it. It is a good idea to use the adhesive from the specific tile manufacturer to be certain it is compatible with the tile material.

If you have any problems finding commercial-quality vinyl tile, contact the following companies for names of local sources: Amtico International, Armstrong, Congoleum, Forbo Linoleum or Tarkett.

It is important to start with a smooth floor when installing vinyl tile. Even small bumps or particles on the floor will eventually show through to the vinyl tile surface. To find all of these spots, lay a trouble light on the floor. The light shining across the floor will reveal any high spots. Sand or scrape them off and then thoroughly clean the floor.


Most rooms are not perfectly square, so you must decide how to line up the tiles. For the best possible appearance, consider from where the floor will be viewed most often, usually at a doorway. That sight line will be the best spot to make it even and in line with a wall.

The edges of vinyl tile are machined very crisp and true at the factory, so, when properly installed, the joints will be almost invisible. You will have to cut some of the tiles yourself. A sharp knife will work, but it is probably best to rent a mechanical tile cutter at a tool rental shop.

Most manufacturers recommend that the vinyl tile is seated down into the adhesive with a heavy floor roller immediately after it is installed. Don't skip this step. Most tool rental shops will also have a floor roller.

The key to keeping your vinyl tile floor beautiful is regular cleaning. Vinyl tile is durable, but sand and abrasive grit will eventually damage its surface. Most manufacturers also offer special cleaners and polishes for their flooring.


Send your questions to Here's How, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio, 45244 or visit www.dulley.com. To find out more about James Dulley and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate Inc.



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