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Is it worth paying a financial adviser to prepare for retirement planning?

Consumer / Home and Consumer News /

The road to retirement is full of twists and turns. You might think you’re on the right path, but life can throw unexpected obstacles in your way that derail even the best laid plans.

Numerous variables are at play, from how long you might live to how much you’ll receive each month from Social Security. A few wrong calculations, and you run...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Is Cast-Iron Cookware Compatible With Induction Cooktops?

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Imagine this: You've just moved into a new home, and the kitchen is equipped with a shiny, sleek induction cooktop. You're excited to cook your favorite meals, but then you remember your beloved cast-iron skillet that has been your kitchen companion for years. It's got that perfect seasoning, and you've made countless delicious meals with it. ...Read more

Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times/TNS

'We just can't afford to live here.' Housing costs are driving people out of Orange County, poll says

Consumer / Home and Consumer News /

LOS ANGELES -- Brittany West had planned to put down roots and build a life with her fiancé and their new baby in Orange County, a place that's lauded as ideal for raising children.

But it's become more difficult to make ends meet, even though West and her fiancé, Ben, both have solid incomes. Modest rent hikes on their Irvine condominium, ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Start Saving, Just Do It!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

A recent column brought a flood of messages to my inbox, most of them with the same message that goes something like this: I want to save, I need to save, but I don't have any money to save! How can I even get started when I am so close to the edge?

First, let's review: When it comes to saving money, we Americans are a pathetic lot. Here we are...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Confused by Food Product Dating? Yes, We Are!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Pop quiz: You pull a chicken from the fridge to fix for dinner and notice that yesterday was the "Sell By" date. You should:

A. Throw it away because not many emergency rooms offer a stomach pumping family plan.

B. Cook it to an internal temperature of 195 F minimum to kill the salmonella; serve with a pungent sauce to mask any residual foul ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Rewarding Thrift Store Shopping in Today's Economy

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

If you enjoy the thrill of finding bargains and super steals, it's a safe bet that you love thrift stores. These treasure troves offer a unique blend of eclectic finds and budget-friendly prices. But lately, thrift shopping isn't what it used to be. With inflation hitting almost everything, even thrift store prices are on the rise.

It's not ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: The High Costs of Clutter

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Let's chat about something we all face from time to time: clutter. Who hasn't had a moment when the junk drawer is overflowing, or the garage looks like a scene from a disaster movie? Oh, my! But beyond the annoyance of misplaced keys or a missing shoe, there's a bigger issue at play. Today, I want to talk about the high financial and mental ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Let's Take a Few More Questions From the Audience

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I don't mention it as often as I should, but the truth is that I'd be lost without you, my loyal, encouraging and responsive readers. Thank you for being there and for filling my email inbox to overflowing with your comments, questions and outpourings of love and gratitude. Please don't stop. Ever.

Speaking of questions, let's take a few from ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Let the Decluttering Begin

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I know it's time. It's been time for at least two years, possibly longer. I need to clean my kitchen. Now, before you send the health department to my address, let me explain. What I mean by "clean" is that I need to clean out and organize my kitchen pantry, cupboards and drawers.

If you walked into my kitchen, you'd see a tidy and sanitary ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: 8 Simple Steps to Practical Frugality

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Given the challenges of these inflationary times in which we live, I can't think of a better time than today to review practical ways to live more frugally. These eight steps are designed to help us save money and live more mindfully without sacrificing the things you love.


A budget is your best friend when ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Tips to Cut the High Cost of Eye Care: Exams, Eyewear and Eye Drops

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

It's no secret that eye health is super important, but forking over $700 or more (been there, but never again!) for a pair of prescription eyeglasses is enough to take one's breath away! But not to worry, because today I've got some practical tips I've learned over the years that I hope can help you save without compromising on quality.

...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Debt Relief Programs: What They Never Tell You

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Your credit card payments are out of control. You're 30, 60 or maybe even 180 days late. Creditors are calling, interest is building, fees are mounting, and your stress is through the roof.

Then you see an ad for a company that can seemingly make it all go away -- a company that'll finally get you some much-needed relief from your debt. The ad ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Debt Payoff is a Marathon Not a Sprint

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I'm no runner; I don't jog. I'm not even a loper. But I know what a marathon is: a footrace run on an open course usually of 26 miles and 385 yards. It's a long race. Everyone crosses the finish line -- some still running, others walking, and I've even seen situations where some crawl the last few meters on hands and knees.

Runners train for ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: A Quick, Easy, Legit Way to Cut Prescription Drug Costs

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I want to tell you about a shocking encounter I had with my friendly neighborhood pharmacy that opened my eyes and forever changed the way my family uses big discounts to slash our prescription drug costs.

For several years, my doctor had prescribed two preventive-type medications, both generic. Together, they cost about $24 for a 30-day supply...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Inexpensive Ways to Celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympics

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

The 2024 Summer Olympics are right around the corner (opening ceremony: July 26, 10:30 a.m. PDT). What a perfect time to bring family fun and patriotism into your home! Celebrating the Olympics as a family can be a fantastic way to bond, learn and have fun without spending a fortune on tickets, travel and accommodations. Here are some creative ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Outsmart Those Subliminal Supermarket Tricks

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I had never thought much about the logistics and intense marketing behind the supermarket business and all its subliminal aspects until one day, in a tremendous hurry, I dashed into my favorite market only to find it had been completely rearranged the previous night.

The harder I searched for the items I needed, the more frustrated I became. ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Getting Ready for a New Puppy

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Whether a new puppy makes your dreams of the perfect family dog come true or turns into a total nightmare depends on how well you've prepared, starting with a well-planned first 24 hours.

Choosing your new best friend can be quite a challenge! Visit to find the right dog breed to suit your lifestyle. Once you have ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Financial Ease Has Nothing to Do With Being Rich

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

My life radically changed years ago when I came out of the closet, so to speak. I broke my self-imposed gag order and told the whole world about my struggle with a debilitating spending problem. I had no idea at the time this would be one of the smartest things I could ever do. By telling my story and owning up to my problem, I became ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: You Really Need to Submit to That Exam You've Been Dreading!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

It's been awhile now since I underwent that procedure no one my age likes to talk about. As much as I dreaded the actual examination, it was nothing compared to what I had to go through to prepare for it. Just seeing those words on the office door made me want to turn and run: certified financial planner.

But we did it! Harold and I spent ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Stick It to Your Creditors

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Late fees, punitive interest rates, over-limit fees, loading up your credit report with negative information -- it's enough to make you scream!

It's not that your creditors are doing anything illegal. You just didn't understand the power you gave them when you accepted that credit card (it was buried in the fine print). And now it seems like ...Read more


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