


Health and Beauty Tip -- Higher Cheekbones

Use a facial powder four shades darker than your natural skin tone and apply just under the cheekbones to make them appear higher.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Narrower Nose

To make your nose look narrower, brush a bit of dark matte blush or bronzing powder on either side.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Winter Body Scrub

Take care of your dry hands, feet, and elbows with a homemade body scrub. Mix 1/2 cup Epsom salts, one tablespoon olive or canola oil, and a few drops of lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice. Apply to dry patches of skin, rub in a circular motion, and rinse it off.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Pedicures

Do something special for yourself today and give yourself a pedicure! Remove your old nail polish completely (make sure to get around the edges). Trim your toenails straight across with clean nail clippers, and file them the way you want them with an emery board. Soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes, and then (if you like) push your ...Read more

Health and Beauty Tip -- Ponytails

If you wear your hair in a ponytail or bun, it's very likely you pull it back very tightly. This isn't flattering -- not only could it make you look too strict, but you could also get a bad headache! Leave some hair slack, or even loose, when pulling it back.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Avoiding Dry Lips

If you suffer from chapped lips, make sure to apply lip balm before you go to bed every night, whether or not you feel like you need it. During the day, use a moisturizing lipstick.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Bring Out Blue Eyes

Red and brown tones in eyeshadow help blue eyes stand out even more. For added effect, apply a very thin line of copper shadow or liner just below your bottom eyelashes.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Keep the Green Out

If you're concerned about chlorine turning it green, squeeze a lemon into your regular shampoo and wash your hair beforehand. This is especially effective for blonde hair!

Health and Beauty Tip -- Getting Rid of a Blemish

If you have a particularly large pimple that you can't seem to get rid of, put a piece of tape on it overnight. This can help draw out the fluid and bacteria, making it easier to treat the next day.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Make Your Own Toothpaste

For a quick homemade toothpaste, mix together baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt, and a tiny bit of your regular toothpaste. Then just use it as you would your regular toothpaste.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Natural Teeth Whitening

Strawberries can actually whiten your teeth! They contain natural teeth whitening agents, and those annoying little seeds are good for scrubbing. You can rub the strawberry against your teeth, or mash it up and use it like toothpaste. But because of all the sugar and acid that's also in them, make sure to brush right afterwards!

Health and Beauty Tip -- Shopping Tips

When you're going out to look for new clothes, make sure you dress properly: loose-fitting clothes will make trying on outfits much easier. Also, be aware that not all dressing room mirrors are accurate -- some are altered in a way to make you look slimmer! Be sure to check the outfits in your own mirror before you pull off those tags. And, ...Read more

Health and Beauty Tip -- Choosing Jeans

If you're looking for a new pair of jeans but aren't happy with your figure, go with a darker color. Dark blue, indigo, or black jeans are slimming, as are angled back pockets. Don't buy jeans with no pockets at all!

Health and Beauty Tip -- Powder in the Heat

If it's hot and humid outside, make sure to use loose powder when you put on your makeup. Apply with a large cosmetics brush. This will set your foundation and make it less likely to run in the heat.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Keep Foundation Up-to-Date

You will most likely need new foundation every season, especially if you tend to (or like to) tan in warmer weather. Make sure to have a close look at your foundation and keep up with what matches each season.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Popular Hairstyles

Hair with "movement" is the popular thing -- fortunately, any length of hair is "in"! Get layered cuts and texturing to increase colume, and flip (but don't curl) ends over or under with a blow dryer or paddle brush. If you have hair that's shoulder-length or longer, uneven layers work best.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Easing a Cold

There's no cure for the common cold, but there are a few things you can do to ease the symptoms and get well more quickly. Keep a cup of warm water with table salt mixed in nearby at all times and, whenever you can, gargle with it. Make sure the water is warm, but not too hot, and that the salt remains mixed in. Doing this on a regular basis ...Read more

Health and Beauty Tip -- Filing Your Nails

Whether you're going for an in-home manicure or just want to clean up your nails, make sure you file correctly. Don't file your nails back and forth, as you may be accustomed to doing -- instead, file from side to side, in one direction. Also, make sure your nails are shaped into oval tips.

Health and Beauty Tip -- Taking Care of Longer Hair

If you're trying to grow your hair out, start using a wide-toothed comb on your hair while it's wet. Using brushes as your hair gets longer can lead to frizz and split ends.



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