Senior Living



How Mark Wahlberg, 53, gets ‘a head start’ with 2 a.m. workouts

Hunter Boyce, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on

Published in Senior Living Features

Sometimes all someone needs is a good head start. For 53-year-old Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg, those head starts come well before sunup and begin with a 35-degree cold plunge.

“The Departed” actor is no stranger to the gym, getting up as early as 2 a.m. to break a sweat. His “4 a.m. club” workout routines have since become legendary, but it begs the question: Why does he do it all?

“I feel it more often than you think,” Wahlberg told People in 2024, explaining that it’s challenging getting to the gym sometimes.

“I’m like, ‘OK, I’m awake, I’m alive.’ We’re a go right after that,” he later continued, speaking on how his cold plunges help kick things into gear. “So I just go, and I do the work.”

According to Men’s Journal, Wahlberg’s typical schedule starts with a 2:30 a.m. wake-up and ends with a 7:30 p.m. bedtime. By 3:40 a.m., he’s often doing his first workout of the day. There’s golfing at 7:30 a.m., cryotherapy at 9:30 a.m., a second workout at 4 p.m. and so much more.


“I don’t want to miss something because if, God forbid, I kind of cut corners, don’t show up, don’t put the work in and I don’t get the results that I want, I know why. I don’t want to live with that regret,” Wahlberg told People, adding: “I always feel better after, and I just go and get it in.”

On Sundays, according to his Instagram, Wahlberg’s typical first workout starts much earlier: 2 a.m. Some may be wondering why the Hollywood star is hitting the gym so early at 53, but the former Marky Mark and Funky Bunch rapper has a question for everyone else.

“The hard work that I’ve put in has always been a reason why I have success,” he told People, “so I attribute to that and my faith and the amount of effort that I’ve put into everything. So why would I do anything different?”



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