


How can I reconcile with my past attitude towards my deceased parents?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I have been very critical of my parents. I never thought they made good decisions concerning us children and I felt that they always had their best interest at heart – not ours. I’ve now become a father and am ashamed to say how wrong I’ve been all these years. Sadly, my parents are both gone now and I have no chance to ask their forgiveness and express my thanks for their tough love. I suppose I will grieve the rest of my life while hoping my children will be more understanding of me than I was with my mother and father. – R.S.

A: It is very significant that God placed the young Jesus in a family. God knew that, with Mary and Joseph’s love and guidance, His Son would grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52, NKJV).

This should happen in our families also. Parents are given the privilege and responsibility of teaching their children about God and helping them become wise in His ways. Yet we parents often fall short of God’s design. When that happens, our children may grow angry and bitter, lashing out at us for the hurts we supposedly caused.

Many people allow anger and bitterness to poison the parent/child relationship. Many find it hard to let go of things, oftentimes small things, that stunt the growth of what might be healthy relationships.


When it is possible to ask forgiveness, we should. When the opportunity is gone, at least thank the Lord that He has brought it to mind and helped resolve these hostilities within. We can ask God to help us learn from our past. As we trust Him and are obedient to His truths, we can learn wisdom in parenting children that exemplifies the attributes of Christ (showing grace, mercy, and love to the children He has blessed us with in life).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2025 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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