


Is stubbornness sinful?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I admit that I am a stubborn person (my husband reminds me of it every day). I’m a Christian psychologist so I know that at the heart of being stubborn reveals having issues with authority. I even loathe myself sometimes when I display emotions of stubbornness, but had it not been for my stubbornness, I may not have achieved what I have achieved in life. So in this case, is stubbornness sinful? – S.S.

A: The human race is barraged with all kinds of bad behavior, but the underlying problem is sin. We have failed to submit to the daily authority of Jesus. There isn’t much said anymore about the lordship of Christ, but the Bible has plenty to say about it.

We must not take lightly what it means to submit every area of life to Christ’s authority. We try to change our lives in our own strength instead of seeking God’s help – but whatever the reason, we have not turned every part of our lives over to Him. And when we fail to do that, we block the life-changing work of the Holy Spirit.

For example, God gave us bodies to care for, but do we allow fleshly desires to control us? Or what about our minds? Every day we are besieged with ideas and images that dishonor God – but do we allow them to saturate our thinking and influence our behavior? What about our motives? Do selfish goals and priorities set the agenda for our daily life? Would the Lord be pleased with our inner thoughts and our language? The list can go on and on to include our relationships, our finances, our attitude toward those of other races, etc.


We can only become more like Christ as we submit every area of our lives to His authority. He reveals this to us in His Word.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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