What was the name of the city that David conquered and made his capital?
A) Bethlehem
B) Jericho
C) Hebron
D) Jerusalem
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Second Thessalonians?
A) Paul
B) Peter
C) James
D) John
How many psalms are in the Book of Psalms?
A) 100
B) 120
C) 150
D) 180
What is the famous passage in Isaiah that describes the new heavens and new earth?
A) Isaiah 60
B) Isaiah 65:17-25
C) Isaiah 66:22-24
D) Isaiah 54:1-8
What was the name of Ruth's mother-in-law?
A) Orpah
B) Deborah
C) Naomi
D) Abigail
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the First Peter?
A) Peter
B) Paul
C) James
D) John
Who is the primary author of the Book of Joel?
A) Joel
B) Obadiah
C) Haggai
D) Nahum
What is the famous passage in Acts that describes the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost?
A) Acts 1:1-11
B) Acts 2:1-13
C) Acts 4:32-37
D) Acts 9:1-19
What is the famous vision in Daniel that describes the four beasts?
A) Daniel 2:31-45
B) Daniel 7:1-14
C) Daniel 8:1-14
D) Daniel 10:1-14
What is the famous passage in Jude that proclaims God's power to keep believers from stumbling and to present them faultless before His glorious presence?
A) Jude 1:1-6
B) Jude 1:7-13
C) Jude 1:14-19
D) Jude 1:20-25
What is the main theme of the Book of Joel?
A) Repentance and forgiveness
B) God's justice and righteousness
C) The coming of the Messiah
D) The day of the Lord
What is the famous passage in Obadiah that describes the destruction of Edom?
A) Obadiah 1:1-9
B) Obadiah 1:10-14
C) Obadiah 1:15-21
D) Obadiah 2:1-9
What was the name of the king who succeeded Saul and made David a commander in his army?
A) Solomon
B) Absalom
C) Ish-bosheth
D) David
Who is the author of the Book of Zephaniah?
A) Zephaniah
B) Nahum
C) Micah
D) Obadiah
What was the name of the king of Assyria who conquered the northern kingdom of Israel?
A) Shalmaneser
B) Sennacherib
C) Tiglath-pileser
D) Ashurbanipal
What is the famous passage in James that emphasizes the importance of both faith and works in the Christian life?
A) James 1:1-18
B) James 2:14-26
C) James 3:1-12
D) James 5:7-20
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Book of Mark?
A) Mark
B) Matthew
C) Luke
D) John
What is the main theme of the Book of Nahum?
A) Repentance and forgiveness
B) God's justice and righteousness
C) The coming of the Messiah
D) God's judgment on Nineveh
What is the phrase that the author uses to describe the cycles of life?
A) "The wheel of fortune"
B) "The circle of life"
C) "The book of life"
D) "The tree of life"