


Arizona man's blindfolded basketball shot breaks world record


Published in Weird News

(UPI) An Arizona man with a talent for basketball trick shots sank an underhand shot blindfolded from a distance of 60 feet.

Jeremy Ware, 32, of Scottsdale, earned his third Guinness World Records certificate after previously earning the records for most squats on a Swiss ball in one minute, 37, and farthest basketball shot made backwards, 85 feet and 5 inches.

He said his latest basketball record was more difficult.


"Essentially I'm blindfolded when I'm throwing backwards but I still have a reference point and am able to look backwards, but for this one it's a little bit different, it's completely dark," he told Guinness World Records. You kind of have to just trust the process and trust your gut and know that the shot's going to go in.

Ware learned his record for the farthest basketball shot made backwards was recently broken, and he is currently considering making an attempt to take it back.

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