


Libran Lunar Lessons

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The lunar influence in Libra, the sign of partnership, reminds us how the nearness of a friend can make all the difference in our experience, which usually hinges less on what happens and more on how we feel about it. Another message of the moon in the sign of scales involves the highs and lows of the journey, which become rather difficult to ...Read more

Where the Moon Meets Stardust

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

We are all carbon-based life forms, creatures made from the dust of a distant star. With certain people, it feels as though the similarities stop there. Indeed we have to work to discover other commonalities, but on a day like today, when the sky sparkles with auspicious lunar trines, group work will be a game changer. Extra efforts to ...Read more

Conjunction in Virgo

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

There's much to be accomplished with the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Virgo, and no need to be overly serious in approach as it all will get done with the simple intention of applying ourselves. The retrograde points out the absurdity of many tasks, and the work gets lighter when we lean into it. Silliness is a secret weapon -- a tool ...Read more

Stranger Connections

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

An aspect involving retrograde Mercury favors talking to strangers and moments of brief, though profound, sharing. The people in your life have perspectives rooted in their prior experience of you, but an outsider can see you in a way the others can't. Even objectivity rendered in broad strokes will hold insights that would be impossible to ...Read more

Mercury Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Knowing there's little that influences your quality of life more than the company you keep, choose your inner circle very carefully in these days of the Mercury retrograde. As for the loose associations of your network and acquaintances, you never can tell where these ties will lead you. It's beneficial to make as many introductions as ...Read more

Magical New Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Abracadabra is a one-word spell with a meaning along the lines of, "Make it so." An even more efficient and magical spell is a one-syllable utterance: "Yes!" Saying yes puts you on a path, and that's really where the dazzling experience happens. During this magical new moon in the sign of the dazzling cat, "abracadabra" is the result -- "yes" ...Read more

Lunar Tug to Pluto

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Feelings show you what you value. They deepen when you're on the topic, near the object of your desire or in the vicinity of your calling. Because of this, there is no level that is inherently wrong (it's all just information, after all), though given the lunar opposition to intense Pluto, there may be benefits to adjusting the levels to suit ...Read more

Under a Water Sign Trine

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A wave can be water and water can be a wave, though only under the right circumstances, for water is only a wave when it is doing a particular thing, a thing that cannot be captured, say, in a jar. Love is like this. It's better to love and be loved for your essence. If they only love you when you're a wave, they're probably surfers. They'll ...Read more

Summertime Part 2

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The halfway mark between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox has been celebrated since ancient times in the Celtic holiday Lammas. Festivals honoring the light are echoed in the carnivals that ride through many towns this time of year, with games and rides that light up the evening hours with a blurring, whirring promise of fun.

...Read more

Talk is Cheap

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The Gemini moon forms terse angles to Saturn and Neptune, suggesting a sideways turn for talk. Be mindful of the power of words. When in doubt, say less. Listening is more important. Think about what gets in the way of good listening. Two likely culprits: overstimulation from the outside world, or too much personal investment in how the action...Read more

Mother and Child Reunion

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The asteroid Chiron is often associated with mothers, while the playful energy of Leo is often associated with children. Today features a trine of Venus in Leo and Chiron in the fire sign station of Aries, recalling a sweet moment for maternal energy. Whether you nurture someone or are nurtured by the sort of regard a mother might give, it ...Read more

The Gift of Lunar Squares

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Every emotion has a benefit, even the so-called negative ones. You wouldn't have them if they didn't have the potential to serve you in some way. For instance, fear can make you more alert to detail. It can give you a better sense where to go to be safe and thrive, and it can fuel the journey with urgency, too. Lunar squares oversee the ...Read more

A Good Discomfort

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The Taurus moon is at odds with Venus, which is uncomfortable for both. Then again, when matters of the heart are too comfortable, bad things happen. People take one another for granted. They forget to pay each other back, or more likely, one party forgets and the other can't stop thinking about it. A little discomfort can inspire everyone to ...Read more

Cupid the Cat

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Is cupid a haphazard imp, a drunken archer, a vengeful baby angel or a genius playing the long game to evolve us as humans? The jury is still out with Venus in the sign of the cat. And though one suspects that said jury will be incapable of delivering a unanimous decision, it will bring good fortune, or at least good insight, to weigh in with ...Read more

Mercury and the Algorithm

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

An algorithm can feel like a kind of creature. It stalks you, dances with you, experiments with you, serves, irritates, hits and misses, all while trying to learn and ultimately manipulate you to its own purposes. These early days of Mercury in Virgo assert that we all have complexities, preferences and potentials that are vaster than any ...Read more

Mercury Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When Mercury, the communication planet, is in the sign of the cat, it trends toward things like cuteness, showmanship, swagger and improbable feats of showing off. Mercury slips into a Virgo suit today for a more subdued and industrious presentation. It's a reminder that there are many ways to attract, give and share attention. All that ...Read more

On the Eve of a Mercury Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Past events have a way of fueling your future success even if you don't remember them. Just because something is buried doesn't mean it ceases to exist, although it may change in context through time. What was just a coin or a bone becomes the clue to an entire existence. Similarly, what was buried as pain can be unearthed as treasure.

ARIES ...Read more

Double Oppositions

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's rare that two planetary oppositions would occur in the same day, but the pull across the sky from the realm of Leo produces just such a dynamic. The sun tugs on Pluto and the moon tugs on Mercury, challenging our notions of significance. What's important is always subjective. Since there are no universal laws regarding meaning, we are ...Read more

Solar Homecoming

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The passage of the sun into its home base of Leo recalls how location makes a difference in how talents are seen and acknowledged. Just as it's hard to see the stars when you're among city lights, sometimes mega-talents get missed amidst lesser wattage established in the vicinity. Also, note that there's nothing to fear in a lightless stretch....Read more


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