


Testy Earth Sign Trine

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Today feels like a test, but you're not a student in the exam room who has to finish the page before the bell, and there are no high stakes, nor is there a prize for doing particularly well on the first try. As the nurturing sun forms a fortuitous angle to Uranus in earthy Taurus, we are reminded that experience needs time to grow. It's OK not...Read more

Shooting the Time

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

With the exception of Marty McFly, Dr. Who and a few others, we in this existence are experiencing time as an arrow that flies ever-forward. Things do not, as a rule, go back to the way they were. As Mercury pulls away from Saturn, aka "Father Time," we are reminded that even when you clear, clean and reset, hundreds of slight alterations add ...Read more

Harvesting the Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

From some vantage points, the lunar eclipse of the full moon in Pisces will give the illusion of a white berry plucked at peak of ripeness only to pop back to the vine, renewed, its sweetness teasing. This omen of having your berry and eating it too begs the question of what other yumminess we might be able to hang onto and savor into the next...Read more

Harvest Moon Prep

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The swollen moon slips into psychic Pisces where she will be full tomorrow and harvested in a lunar eclipse, only to emerge humming the final notes of the season. It's an excellent moment to reflect on the idea of harvesting and what you have grown and sown in your own life. Which seeds would you plant again? What crops would you attempt next?...Read more

Venus Down to Clown

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Venus and Jupiter align luckily in social signs, favoring light risks in the name of fun. Everybody plays the fool sometimes, but if you ever feel you've taken too many pies to the face, just remember that clowning around is an honorable endeavor explored by some of the most brilliant minds that ever lived as well as the greatest lovers, ...Read more

Venus as a Travel Guide

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The trine of Venus and Jupiter favor a reexamination of the plan. Do what it takes to get there, even if it means tossing out the directions. Furthermore, where the map and the ground disagree, only a fool would take the map's side over the firsthand evidence of reality on the ground. The wise will investigate how the discrepancy came about.

...Read more

An Earthy 13th

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A Friday the 13th under hardy earth sign influences reminds us that it's the mishaps and harsh realities that make fighters -- also charmers and style icons and entrepreneurs and artists and sports heroes and explorers and healers and geniuses. Though we may superstitiously fear the hard knocks, we would not be mighty without them.

ARIES (...Read more

Solar Squares and Flares

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The sun squared with Jupiter indicates status games and other kinds of social stress. This aspect can turn a strong sense of self into an exaggerated one. People will be set off by the strangest, small infractions because it seems so important to be right. Instead of digging in your heels, use them to walk away from what can't possibly matter ...Read more

Lunar Lunacy

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Typically, the most ethical individuals are the ones who wonder how they're doing at being a human. They admit to mistakes and wouldn't think to go out of their way to prove their innocence. Lunar squares to the sun and Neptune caution against giving unqualified trust to those who herald their own goodness. Why do they need to?

ARIES (March ...Read more

Sun Slacks Ties to Saturn

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

According to the laws of gravity, what goes up must come down. Karma laws say what goes around comes around. The solar position to Saturn indicates that in both cases, it's the timeframe that provides the variable that keeps things interesting. This week sees you sending more fascinating, unique, warm and loving energy into the world.

ARIES (...Read more

Mercury Lights the Spectrum of Survival

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Mercury's entrance to Virgo recalls the truth of circumstances. For some, the journey is not about creating opportunities from abundance but about surviving and transcending overwhelming odds. Wherever you feel you are on the spectrum of surviving to thriving, it always helps to consider those on a different place in it, as there are ...Read more

Sun Goes Fishing

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

With the sun pulling on Saturn in the sign of the fish, there are ideas on the line. Some are worth reeling in, and others deserve a catch and release. Expectations matter as much as you think they should. When you think there's something meaningful at stake, there is. And if that's too stressful, try letting it go. Then suddenly, it doesn't ...Read more

A Vengeful Solar Opposition

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Confucius suggested: before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. Maybe he was being dramatic, but the solar opposition to Saturn would like to point out that revenge does tend to heighten outcomes. Choices made for the sake of getting even aren't typically a good energetic investment, although, arguably, wild success really is ...Read more

Lunar Journey Through Libra

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

In the final stretch of a Libran lunar influence, we are shaped by our attractions. From the pull of an atom's nucleus to the twist of a galaxy, attraction spins the universe. What force influences you now? What sphere of influence do you orbit? Today is a check-in point in which you may rethink how you harness your own power to attract.

...Read more

Mercury Communication Check-In

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

With Mercury in the sign of the cat and a lunar conjunction to Venus, exaggeration will be employed to make the praise more exciting, the story more interesting and the accomplishment more remarkable. Is it lying, or is it just good manners to make things more entertaining for your audience? Only you know where to draw the line for you.

ARIES...Read more

Mars Enters Cancer

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When things aren't quite working with one person, it's an opportunity to find a better fit for the task at hand. Much of it boils down to timing and the fact that not everyone is emotionally mature. Some will form and break connections with all the grace of a toddler on a sugar rush. The Mars move to Cancer will favor those who don't waste too...Read more

Neptunian Tensions

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Since the unpredictability of relationships is a given, why waste time trying to figure out who is right, wrong, truthful, delusional or anything else? The move is to simply trust that each encounter serves a purpose, even if that purpose is not immediately clear. In the aftermath of a tense square of Mars and Neptune, hidden patterns and ...Read more

A Laborious New Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

For many, Labor Day is typically a day to remove oneself from labor to ponder its role in our lives, and this year's new moon in Virgo supports the agenda. With the sun and moon in the sign of industriousness, we consider our feelings about the sort of work we do in the world and the returns of that energetic investment, especially in terms of...Read more

Uranus Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The Uranus retrograde has a message about enthusiasm. Some people need quite a lot of hype to get excited, but unless it's your job to get them interested in the offering at hand, it's better to let them go on nonplussed than exhaust yourself with crazy efforts to impress. For the right audience, the essence of the truth holds plenty of charm....Read more

In the Moments Before Uranus Retrograde...

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's nice to have a healthy, gradual transformational process, but change often happens through some kind of discomfort. It's nothing to fear. To fear the pain that never comes is to worry needlessly. Besides, if pain really is in the cards, it's a gift. Without such a consequence, nothing would evolve. What feels bad is the catalyst for ...Read more


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