




Persons of Interest

Games / Brain Teasers /

What is the meaning of this rebus?

marcus Brutus
john wilkes Booth
Billy the kid
Bonnie parker
clyde Barrow

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Motherly Love

Games / Brain Teasers /

Black as night I can be,
Until my Mother sits on me;
Then clear as ice I become
In the rough, thank you Mum.

What am I?

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter (each sentence describes a different set). Example: malt, melt, molt.

1) Billy discovered a cylindrical chest buried beneath the knoll.

2) The only evidence found by the detective was some adhesive in the chimney passage.

3) The bashful bovine rested on the small bed.

4) The latest fad was for people to desire the ingestion of a tall wading bird.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Mate in two.

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One Letter of Separation

Games / Brain Teasers /

1a) to wriggle 1b) a member of the British gentry 1c) a small forcible stream of liquid

2a) this color is a blend of red and yellow darkened by black
2b) the top of the head
2c) to cover with water

3a) more recent
3b) rubbish
3c) a written communication

4a) free from color
4b) a high-pitched plaintive cry
4c) although

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

White’s in a tough spot. What is the best move for the defense?

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

From Euwe-Lohman, 1923

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is from an old Koltanowski game. There are several ways to win. Pick one you would be proud of!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

International Master Karel Opocensky reached this position some years past and saw a mating attack.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

White’s pawns look dangerous, so you have to take that into account as Black to win this.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

The first move looks really obvious, but it gets tricky. Can you see the best moves for White and Black all the way to the end? Both sides will queen a pawn—that’s your hint.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Knowing your king and pawn endings can make a huge difference. Here, Tartakower, as Black, transposed into a drawn ending against Yates when he could have won. He had even given up his queen for a rook to get into this position. Yates didn’t overlook what Dr. T didn’t think of.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

One of the most important lessons you can learn in chess is to see indirect threats. In this position, the lineup of the B on b7 and the Q on d5 against the K on g2 is an indirect threat. How can you make it a direct threat and an eventual mate?

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A miniature mate in two.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A very fine and well-crafted composition that has practical value.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is an old favorite of mine for showing students. It’s actually very logical.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is a wild and wooly game from 1896 between Reinisch and Traxler. It started out 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6.Ke2 Nd4+ 7.Kd3 b5 8.Bb3 Nxe4 9.Nxd8. Black has just sacrificed his queen for a mating attack and does, indeed mate on move 17. See if you can figure out how he did it. Give it a try!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is known as a “grotesque” problem. A massive disparity in forces can’t prevent the little guy from mating. It’s a very narrow mating path, and it’s good brain practice.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

There is more than one way to mate in three in this position. Find one!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This was played in a blitz game last night. It’s a mating attack. Find all the moves!

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Printable Games

Crossword Print
Sudoku Print

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