


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

I can’t recall having so much fun looking at all the variations and the cooperation of the white pieces. It’s a great lesson on the power of the rook lift (going up to b4)as well.

This brilliant attack was won by Gachon vs. St. Denis at Lyon, 1988 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg4+ Kh6 3.Bf6 3.Bg5+ Kh5 4.Bf6 Kxg4 (4...Bxh2+ 5.Nxh2 e5 6.Rg8+ Bg4 7.Bxg4+ Kh6 8.Bg5#; 4...Rg8 5.Rxg8 e5 6.Rg5+ Kh6 7.Bg7#; 4...Bf4 5.Ne5 Bxe5 6.Rg8+ Kh6 7.Bg5#) 5.Nd4# 3...Bd8 4.Bg7+ Kh5 5.Rg5+ Bxg5 6.Ne5+ Kh4 7.g3+ Kh3 8.Bg4#


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