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Throwback TV Photo

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Photo from the "Falter at the Altar" episode of Laverne and Shirley. Pictured are Al Molinaro (Father Flanagan), Paul Sylvan (Sal Malina, Laverne's intended), Penny Marshall (Laverne), Eddie Mekka (Carmine Ragusa), and Cindy Williams (Shirley). Believing that Laverne is making a marriage mistake, Shirley is overcome with emotion at the wedding ...Read more

What is the name of the British version of "Trading Spaces"?

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Trading Spots
Trading Houses
Your Room Or Mine
Changing Rooms

What PBS reality series had contestants living as if they were in Edwardian England?

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This House Of Old
Manor House
This Old House
Edward's House

Throwback TV Photo

Entertainment News / TV Trivia /

1976 cast photo from the television program Laverne and Shirley. Standing, from left: Carole Ita White (Rosie Greenbaum), Phil Foster (Frank DeFazio), Eddie Mekka (Carmine Ragusa), Betty Garrett (Edna Babish). Middle row, standing: Penny Marshall (Laverne DeFazio), Cindy Williams (Shirley Feeney). Seated : Michael McKean (Lenny), David Lander ...Read more

The show "Philly" features which two characters?

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Tom And Paulie G.
Terry Loomis And Will Froman
Will And Craig
Doug Heffernan And Arthur Spooner

On "Family Guy", what type of handyman did Peter paint naked?

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Garbage Truck Driver
House Painter

Who plays Special Agent Grace Van Pelt on "The Mentalist"?

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Aunjanue Ellis
Robin Tunney
Amanda Righetti
JoNell Kennedy

Morgan Freeman started his career on which PBS show?

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Sesame Street
The Electric Company
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Where was the setting for the TV sitcom "Happy Days"?

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Des Moines

On "Seinfeld", what is wrong with the friend Kramer sets George up with?

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She Is Bald
She Doesn't Like Men With Glasses
She Hates Short Men
She Is Deaf

What hunk caused Elaine to drop out of the contest on TV's "Seinfeld"?

Entertainment News / TV Trivia /

Brad Pitt
Naked Man Across The Street



A.F. Branco Adam Zyglis Candorville Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee Cathy Gary McCoy